Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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As of Ramsons release, Subject types & Subject sources can now be indexed for display on Instance records in Inventory. This page will document default mappings, customization settings, and other details.

Table of Contents

Default Mappings

MARC-to-Instance default mapping now includes the following coverage for Subject type and Subject source.


Subject type default mappings

Subject Type mapping is based on the 6xx field used for subject details in a MARC record (e.g. =650  \0$aShort stories would match with field value 650).
Default mappings are as follows:

  • 600 - Personal name

  • 610 - Corporate name

  • 611 - Meeting name

  • 630 - Uniform title

  • 647 - Named event

  • 648 - Chronological term

  • 650 - Topical term

  • 651 - Geographic name

  • 653 - Uncontrolled

  • 654 - Faceted Topical Terms

  • 655 - Genre/Form

  • 656 - Occupation

  • 657 - Function

  • 658 - Curriculum Objective

  • 662 - Hierarchical Place Name

  • 688 - Type of Entity Unspecified


Subject source default mappings

Subject source mapping is based on the value, 0 through 7, of the 2nd indicator in the subject line of a MARC record (e.g. =650  \0$aShort stories would match to 2nd indicator value 0).
Default mappings are as follows:

  • 0 - Library of Congress Subject Headings

  • 1 - Library of Congress Children’s and Young Adults' Subject Headings

  • 2 - Medical Subject Headings

  • 3 - National Agriculture Library subject authority file

  • 4 - Source not specified

  • 5 - Canadian Subject Headings

  • 6 - Répertoire de vedettes-matière

  • 7 - Source specified in subfield $2 *

*Note: When 2nd indicator 7 is present, the system will look to match the value in subfield 2 with a corresponding custom Subject source as noted in Settings > Inventory.

  • For example, if the subject line is =655  \7$aDetective and mystery fiction.$2fast, and Inventory settings contains a custom Subject source of Name = Faceted Application of Subject Terminology & Code = fast, then the Subject source for the resulting Instance will be “Faceted Application of Subject Terminology”.

  • If no match for the $2 value is found in Subject source settings, then the Subject source field of the resulting Instance will be blank.


Subject type and Subject source options can be controlled from the Inventory area of the Settings module.
Please note -- FOLIO users will need the following permissions in order to make adjustments to Subject type & Subject source settings:

  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete subject types

  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete subject sources


Subject type settings

Subject type settings can be found in Settings > Inventory > Subject types.

  • Default Subject types will display with a source of “folio”

  • Custom Subject types can be added using the ‘+ New’ button. Resulting subject types will display a source of “local”.



Subject source settings

Subject source settings can be found in Settings > Inventory > Subject sources.

  • Default Subject sources will display with a source of “folio”

  • Custom Subject sources can be added using the ‘+ New’ button. Resulting subject types will display a source of “local”.

  • The ‘Code’ field will be used for matching $2 value when a 2nd Indicator of ‘7’ is present.


Subject display in Inventory


Instance View

Subject source & Subject type fields will display under the ‘Subjects’ accordion of an Instance, alongside corresponding Subject headings

image (1)-20241031-172832.png

Instance Edit/Create

For Source=FOLIO records, these fields can also be filled in during Create/Edit Instances processing


Inventory Browse

  • The ‘Subjects’ section of Inventory Browse has been updated to include result columns for Subjects source and Subject type.

  • New facets have also been added to the left side of the screen that allow users to limit their results by selected Subject source and Subject type values.

  • Clicking the hyperlinked Subject name will return the user to the Inventory search results page with a list of all Instances that contain the selected combination of Subject, Subject source, and Subject type.


Additional Information

  • The functionality described above was introduced in Ramsons release.

  • A list of all default MARC-to-Instance mapping can be found here: Default MARC Bibliographic-to-Inventory Instance Mappings

  • List of Subject source codes for use with 2nd Indicator 7/$2 mapping:

  • Work to support this functionality was completed by Folijet and Spitfire teams via the following projects:

    • Jira Legacy
      serverSystem Jira

    • Jira Legacy
      serverSystem Jira

  • More information on requirements and other details regarding this implementation can be found here:

    • Subject heading granularity

    • Lref gdrive file