Time | Item | Who | Notes |
| | | Housekeeping - - Dennis & Joe have conflict with Thunderjet team sprint planning meeting that they can only attend the first 30 mins
- Next meeting - Tuesday, Nov. 6, at 1 pm Eastern
- Reminder - if you have any item/topic you'd like to suggest for Acquisitions SIG meeting agenda, please feel free to reach out via Slack or bring up in our meetings
:03 |
| Joe | UAT for location restricted funds will run Monday - Friday next week. - https://wikifolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/rAD3CNBxU
- There are not permissions assigned.
- It's ensuring that the funds and locations line up. For instance, if you have a fund for rare books, you can link it to the locations of rare books without having to configure a bunch of acquisition units and permissions.
:06 |
| Dennis | Review options of handling POLs with un receivable items - Conversation related to a question brought up in slack.
- Adjusting po line status
- We are not certain how you might expect this to behave.
- Dennis showed an example of a one time order, orders with a workflow of synchronized, which is usually a one time.
- Order has multiple copies. One is received, one is un receivable. We had been using a receipt status of fully received and closed. Is this acceptable? Or is there a better way to do it.
- Concern - how you pay may be effected by the receipt status of 'fully received' if you think both had been received and pay for both even though only one was received.
- Julie: If something isn't coming and we are never going to get it, does it affect commitments against funds associated with the POL?
- Dennis: no
- Kristin: when the po is closed, funds are released.
- scolglaz 8:14 AM
This can also important for what you see in Inventory! - Julie: Needing to know why something has happened is important. Is ok with status of partially received or incomplete status but not fully received.
- Owen: Agrees. Trying to figure out why things don't balance out it is important to be able to see a status that indicates partially received.
- Kristin: If I see a partially or incomplete po with a closed status, it's something I'd end up investigating. Would rather be able to update the order to reflect what we were able to get.
- Sara points out that if you change the quantity to two and it adjusts the price that works out in some scenarios. In others, if you have a 5 volume set, and only four are published but the price stays the same, you don't want the price to be adjusted.
- Have a synchronized order for a certain quantity and mark one of those pieces as un receivable and pay full price. It is in fact, fully received.
- Lisa Smith, Mich State 8:33 AM
I think using 'unreceivable' for ongoing orders only is the way I'd go. for one-time orders, updating the POL is in line with what we've been doing. - Will continue conversation.
:36 |
| Kristin | PC Update |