:02 | Housekeeping | Dung-Lan | - Reminder - Acquisitions UAT Organization - Banking information runs thru this Friday (Dec. 15th), please participate if you can
- Another UAT starting week of Jan. 8th, more details coming soon.
- Monthly SIG reports to Product Council will be this Thursday (Dec. 14th), if you have anything specific that you'd like SIG Convener to be included/highlighted in the report to PC, please reach out to the Convener. Also round-robin discussion questions proposed by PC -
- What's one thing that happened within your SIG that is a particular accomplishment that you want to share with others?
- Willingness to shart, supportive especially in Slack environment
- What's something that you are wondering about in relation to FOLIO development?
- New features in releases
- Ann Crowley 12:12 PM
I often wonder when we discover a problem - how is it determined that this is critical to fix now or it is really a future fix with a future release . Ex - Invoice approval issues- Not always clear whether something becomes part of a service pack, needs to be fixed now or in a later release
- Support SIG helps determine priorities. Maybe need to have a meeting to cover process.
- /wiki/spaces/DQA/pages/2657909
- Who approves service patch justifications?
- Committee - Release Management Stakeholders Group
- Group of people and need a certain number of approvals.
- FOLIO Release Management Stakeholders
- Want to make sure something truly is necessary.
- Entry points and where to get involved. Especially with topics crossing apps (e.g. orders and bulk edit).
- What's something that you expect to be working on in the next quarter?
- Features
- Implementers Topics
- Question - What is the council hoping to collect in asking these questions?
- Wouldn't read too much into the questions.
- Were getting book reports, but people were not engaging that much. Trying to mix up the format a bit. Things that might be more discussion oriented. Other SIGs might be interested in anything big happening.
- Is product council going to need to update road map?
- Sense of how things are going with SIG and help bring out more engagement
- If you think of anything to add let Dung-Lan know
- Polling re: next scheduled meeting - Tuesday, Dec. 19, at 1 pm Eastern
- POs (Dennis & Joe) just finished with BugFests.
- Prioritization of top features for Ramsons release.
- Scope locked in for Quesnalia release.
- Working on putting together UAT sessions for Quesnalia release functionality.
- Will start working on documentation for Ramsons which they will bring to group later.