- Alissa Hafele, Andrea Mohr, Ann Crowley, Cornelia Awenius, Dennis Bridges, Dung-Lan Chen, Dwayne Swigert, Emily Robertson, Jackie Magagnosc, Julie Brannon, Julie Stauffer, Kathleen Norton, Kimberly Pamplin, Kristin Martin, Linh Chang, Lisa Smith, Manja Biermann, Martina Karlsson, Martina Schildt, Martina Tumulla, Masayo Uchiyama, Nina Stellmann, Okay Okonkwo, Owen Stephens, Paivi Rentz, Peter Breternitz, Petra Schneider, Ramona Peuker, Renate Pleyer, rmerrell, Robert Heaton, Sabine Dudeck, Sara Colglazier, Scott Perry, sgillSusanne Gill, Sven Thomsen, Sylvia Hamann, Victoria Anderson, Winter White, wiljanen
PC Updates (Kristin Martin ) -
2023-01-26 Meeting notes
- Onboarding Working Group presentation - submit comments/questions about slides by next week Thursday, Feb. 9
- Still looking for more Product Owners
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
:01 | Housekeeping | Dung-Lan | - Next meeting - Tuesday, Feb. 7 at 1 pm Eastern
- Reminder ACQ SIG survey open thru Feb. 14 - "Thank You" to those who have responded! We welcome any thoughts/feedback to help improve SIG experiences for all

:03 | PC Updates | Kristin Martin | - No meeting this past week. Some sub groups meeting.
- Prioritization Process and Roadmap group underway.
- Onboarding working group continuing its work.
- Said goodbye to Holly Mistlebauer. Retired as of 31st of January. Product owner for fees and fines and resource access.
- Looking for more individuals as product owners.
:07 | Overview of D-A-CH SIG pages | Martina Schildt | - D-A-CH SIG
- Pages and meetings in German.
- In Germany several networks and consortiuum. Individual institutions who can also be part of FOLIO and will represent themselves in the project.
- Functional groups (Fachgruppen):
- Resource Access, Acquisitions, Metadata Management, etc.
- Not a parallel universe and doing the work twice, but are gathering requirements from the libraries they are representing. Do GAP analysis together.
- Fiscal Year Rollover - requirement analysis
- Trying to see if the requirements are shared by others in the Acq SIG and can be developed by the acquisitions team.
:15 | 1 Rollover "cash balance" instead of "available balance" | Martina Schildt | - Several options for rollover of budgets
- Should not be available amount, but cash balance that is rolled over.

- Will encumber twice.
- From Ann Crowley to Everyone 08:11 AM
UXPROD-3964 Rollover Cash Balance during FYRO - From Ann Crowley to Everyone 08:14 AM
It was something that Cornell pushed for
Jira Legacy |
server | System JiraJIRA |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | UXPROD-3964 |
- Ann - Had to manually adjust
- Dennis - At the moment, implementing that feature just gives you the additional option of cash balance. Maybe need to talk about whether available balance should still be an option.
| 2 Basis for calculation of journal encumbrances | Martina Schildt | 
- Sometimes you do not receive the invoice in the fiscal year you are paying for it, but instead after rollover.
- If you click expended, may be zero because the last paid was 2021 and did not receive invoice for 2022 until 2023.
- Causes a lot of errors.
- "If a FYRO had not created encumbrances for all purchased journals that remained unbilled in fiscal year 2022, this would have been approximately 14 percent of the subscriptions. An amount in the low 6 figures would not have been committed. They would have had to manually reprocess over 300 journal orders and manually create the encumbrances."
- Proposed solution:
- System checks during the rollover: If expenditure, please use expended. If no expenditure, use remaining value.
- If you choose rollover based on expended, there are some orders that have not processed any invoices against for that FY and next year will end up with $0 encumbered against.
- Dennis - Seems like there are three situations:
- Paid for title completely for FY22 - Got everything ordered and paid for all of it and rolling over
- Only got some things ordered and paid for those, but did not get everything expected. Order will remain open.
- Ordered it, but didn't pay/get anything in FY22. Still open and want it to be open next year.
- Did receive isssues, but did not pay. Ongoing order where you receive regularly, but didn't pay in that FY.
- From Owen Stephens to Everyone 08:25 AM
For subscriptions the payment and the receipt are usually pretty separate things- unlike a monograph order the payment is unlikely to be based on the receipt
- Is scenario 2 possible?
- Either you get it or you don't get it in time.
- Subscriptions tend to be billed so you are paying for the subscription for the year.
- From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 08:28 AM
on going subscriptions are paid once annually for each sub.
- Owen - Have had situations where there is partial payment. Catching up with a payment. There's a chance, but quite low that you could have payment where it does not represent a single year.
- Sara - Generally speaking, one single payment. Lately a lot of rate adjustments. Additional invoices for subscriptions. E.g. credit where the price has gone down. Exchange rate differences, etc.
- From Owen Stephens to Everyone 08:30 AM
Yes - I’ve seen that as well Sara
- Sara - Standing orders are frequently quite different from year to year.
- Partial scenario will be difficult to identify and how best to treat.
:35 | 3 Error source "Ongoing encumbrances" vs. "Ongoing subscription-encumbrances" | Martina Schildt | - How rollover encumbrances are labelled is a source of errors.
- Would suggest that it is made clearer that the Ongoing encumbrances does not include subscriptions. Both Ongoing enumbrances and Ongoing-subscription encumbrances must be checked if you want both.
:37 | 4 Automatically apply existing "Allowable Expenditures" of a fund from the current FY to the next FY | Martina Schildt | - Individual settings of each fund with a certain type should be transferred exactly as they were in the previous year.
- Rollover not done by fund, but by type.
- Allowances cannot be set individually for funds when you rollover.
- Have gone through funds and set allowable encumbrance and expenditure individually.
- Could there be a checkbox to keep what already exists in the fund in terms of allowable expenditure and allowable encumbrance?
- From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:39 AM
+1 for the keeping/rolling the setting for Allowable!!
- Have a checkbox to Keep allowances

- If keep, keep both (all allowances). If set new, set both new.
- Per Martina, in testing, when you do not set allowances, the system automatically does 100% for each fund no matter what has previously been there.
- Bug - should be copying the previous budgets.
- Would be helpful if language is clearer for this action - from "set allowances" to "set new allowances," "change allowances," or "update allowances."
- From Lisa Smith, Mich State to Everyone 08:44 AM
Keep existing allowances v. Set new allowances - From Martina Schildt to Everyone 08:49 AM
We translated "set allowances" rather like "set restrictions" or "set limitations"
- Sara (~:46) - Previous presentation in this SIG, where someone was doing a rollover. Made the comment about having run into some kind of issue regarding allowances. Had recommended that you be careful not to do above 100% because something had happened when they rolled over then. In previous system had everything set at 500%. Religiously set all funds to 100%, but what they've run into is that if allowable expenditure is set at 100% and you get close to allowable encumbrance. It won't pay if it has gone over. Have to change to make it work. Is that still a bug? Is it being fixed?
- Bug - system was calculating allowable expenditure in such a way that it could not move encumbered to expended.
- From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 08:50 AM
The FYRO experiences presentation was done by Greg Hutton on April 26, 2022.
- From Scott Perry (UChicago) to Everyone 08:48 AM
I really want the ability to set a free balance percent. - Dennis - Two things here: Possibly a bug in how behavior is functioning right now. Even if it were working, may want to update to clarify what is happening.
~:52 | Further discussion about encumbrance / rollover scenarios. |
| - Further discussion about encumbrance / rollover scenarios.
- From Owen Stephens to Everyone 08:55 AM
If I was doing it by hand then I’d be looking for situations where the invoiced amount was substantially different to the initially encumbered amount - that would be my warning to investigate - From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 08:56 AM
+1 to Owen add a condition to check automatically by the system. - From Owen Stephens to Everyone 08:56 AM
Subscriptions and Standing Orders are quite different in behaviour Treating “ongoing” orders as a single type is problematic in this regard - Martina - For subscriptions would always go with expended, unless no payment and then remaining.
- If not subscriptions, (e.g. monographic orders) would encumber the remaining part. Will create next expected piece that has an amount.
- Need to talk about not subscriptions ongoing orders.
- If use remaining, and then release encumbrance to pay for something else, there will be $0. If use initial encumbered amount, could avoid that situation.