Meeting Time: 8 am EST / 2 pm CET / 1 pm UK
Meeting URL: needed: please see link below
ERM SIG Folio Wiki: https://wikifolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/ERMSIG/
Google Folder:
- All: Please edit the attendees list below and indicate when you are there!
- Next ERM meeting: = last meeting in 2022
- first meeting in 2023:
- all questions and topics for the ERM implementers meeting can be posted on this confluence page: https://wikifolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/MAEGAgSABS
- Open discuss posts: right now no new posts regarding erm
- PC meeting Nov 17th
- PC meeting Nov 24th (no meeting | written updates)
Agenda items
- Development progress - ERM sprint 154
- Implementer topic: Transferring agreement lines between agreements
- Please read and add your scenarios to the document at:
Development progress
- through Nolana bugfest: found a severe issue
- when things a running at the same time there are issues
- e.g. when doing a harvest into local KB and applying a setting to set up proxy URLs at the same time → creates problems
- Owen talks to release manager to decide on what to do and whether problem can be fixed before relase of Nolana
- in Agreements - local KB: separating out e-resources vs. package search | ongoing work
- Morning Glory Hotfix work going on at the same time | deadline is extended to unknown date
Announcement: FOLIO Forum today at 11 am ET
- Introducing the Open Access App
- Owen will present on OA
- registration link:
Transferring agreement lines between agreements
- when provider releases an updated version of a package and deprecates existing package | #4 in the document
- one option: be able to edit the package information on the AGL
- but changing a resource after creation is like changing a resource after invoicing
- does not seem like a good idea
- history gets lost
- Sara: what is in the KB is a representation of what we buy | it is not what we buy
- a KB seldom represents 100% what libraries are subscribing to because packages change over time
- Jack in chat: I'd agree with that - especially as an eHoldings user where we're reliant on the outside entity (EBSCO) to determine what the resource actually is and can't negate it locally
- second option: move agreement line
- third option: agreement line | thereby history can be kept
- should be the least possible work for the user | no matter what the solution will look like
- one option: be able to edit the package information on the AGL
- new use case by Sara: individual SAGE journal subscription - move to database model | #8 in the document
- new agreement will be created
- old resource in old AGL will be deselected
- the old AGL should preserve the history
- Kristin in chat: This would be more a scenario that you link to a selected title, but then deselect it because something else in the KB replaces it for access reasons, right?
- resources can be removed from holdings in eholdings, but will still be on the AGL | will then display with holding status "deselected" on the AGL
- Felix: If I remember correctly, then it was an intentional decission from eHoldings to not store data about e-resources in FOLIO. So we should touchbase with Khaliah or some folks from Ebsco and tell them about the requirement.
- that is correct | ERM team had discussions with Khalilah
- Journal moves to a new publisher | #5 in the document
- not dissimilar to #8
- move AGLs (may or may not need a new agreement)
- might be a new POL or not - it depends on the exact use case
- Jack in chat: Using eHoldings this presents a similar problem - the actual title entry in the KB cant be used since it's specific to the old publisher
- Sara in chat: Yes, also important for PCA
- Move a journal subscription from one subscription agent to another | #6 in the document
- Move AGL from one agreement to another
- would likely have a new POL | there may be exceptions though
- Kristin in chat: You could have the same POL but change the vendor. When SWETS went bankrupt, we didn't change the POLs, we updated the vendor.
- might want to preserve some information from the AGL, e.g. notes
- could be the same resource but a different agreement
- In subscribed collection a number of resources get transferred to a "purchase" for perpetual access | #7 in the document
- typical model for streaming video and some ebook packages
- the original agreement is usually for a complete collection
- at some point some resources are transferred to real purchases
- currently only way would be to create a new agreement and add details to it
- question: which information do you want to have a copy of - would be another disussion - a session on itself
Next step: Owen will come up with a proposal to discuss in the SIG again.
14:10:38 From Owen Stephens To Everyone:
14:17:17 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) To Everyone:
Yes, it was I
14:23:14 From Jack Mulvaney To Everyone:
I'd agree with that - especially as an eHoldings user where we're reliant on the outside entity (EBSCO) to determine what the resource actually is and can't negate it locally
14:38:50 From Kristin Martin To Everyone:
This would be more a scenario that you link to a selected title, but then deselect it because something else in the KB replaces it for access reasons, right?
14:44:05 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
If I remember correctly, then it was an intentional decission from eHoldings to not store data about e-resources in FOLIO. So we should touchbase with Khaliah or some folks from Ebsco and tell them about the requirement.
14:47:03 From Jack Mulvaney To Everyone:
Using eHoldings this presents a similar problem - the actual title entry in the KB cant be used since it's specific to the old publisher
14:49:51 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) To Everyone:
Yes, also important for PCA
14:51:03 From Jack Mulvaney To Everyone:
14:51:35 From Kristin Martin To Everyone:
You could have the same POL but change the vendor.
14:52:16 From Kristin Martin To Everyone:
When SWETS went bankrupt, we didn't change the POLs, we updated the vendor.
Attendees list
Present | Name | Home Organization |
Aaron Neslin | UMass | |
Abigail Wickes | Duke University Libraries | |
Alaina Deane | Duke | |
Alice Daugherty | University of Alabama | |
Alissa Hafele | Stanford University | |
Amelia Sutton | UMass | |
x | Andrea Meindl | UB Regensburg |
Ann-Marie Breaux | EBSCO | |
Annika Schröer | UB Leipzig | |
x | Annika Zierhut | |
Anu Moorthy | Duke | |
Anya Arnold | EBSCO | |
x | Beate Aretz | |
x | Benjamin Ahlborn | SuUB Bremen |
Birgit Neumann | ||
Björn Muschall | UB Leipzig | |
x | Carol Sterenberg | |
Carole Godfrey | EBSCO | |
Catherine Tuohy | Emmanuel College | |
Charlotte Whitt | Index Data | |
Claudia Malzer | ULB Darmstadt, Developer | |
Dennis Bridges | EBSCO | |
Dorothe Kugler | UB Mainz | |
Dwayne Swigert | Missouri State University | |
Emma Raub | Cornell | |
Eric Hartnett | Texas A&M University | |
x | Felix Hemme | ZBW Kiel |
Frances Webb | Cornell, Developer | |
Gang Zhou | Shanghai Library | |
x | Gill Osguthorpe | UX/UI Designer - K-Int |
Gisela Weinerth | SUB Hamburg | |
Heather MacFarlane | ||
Heather Thoele | Texas A&M University | |
Ian Ibbotson | Developer Lead - K-Int | |
x | Jack Mulvaney | UMass |
Jag Goraya | K-Int | |
Janet Ewing | Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library | |
Jenna Lantermann | Five Colleges / Smith College | |
Jenna Strawbridge | Duke | |
x | Jessica Harris | Chicago |
Jir Shin Boey | Missouri State University | |
Joe Sikowitz | Fenway Library Organization | |
Johanna Radding | Five Colleges / Amherst College | |
x | Julie Brannon | Duke |
Kathleen Berry | UMass Amherst | |
Kathleen Norton | Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library | |
Katrin Brüggemann | UB Leipzig | |
Khalilah Gambrell | EBSCO | |
Kirstin Kemner-Heek | VZG, Göttingen | |
Kristen Wilson | Index Data | |
x | Kristin Martin | Chicago |
Kyle Banerjee | EBSCO | |
x | Lars-Hakan Herbertsson | Chalmers |
Laura Wright | Cornell University | |
Laurenz Kern | Stabi Berlin | |
x | Leonie Bodinus | UB Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Lindsey Lowry | University of Alabama | |
Luca Lanzillo | Sapienza Library System - Sapienza University of Rome | |
x | Lucas Moder | UB Regensburg |
Mara Egherman | EBSCO | |
Maria Taylor | ||
Marie Widigson | Chalmers | |
Mariyam Thorhira | Johns Hopkins University Libraries | |
Marjorie Snyder | ||
Mark Arnold | Missouri State University | |
Mark Deutsch | Duke | |
Martin Scholz | ||
x | Martina Karlsson | Chalmers |
x | Martina Schildt | VZG, Göttingen |
x | Martina Tumulla | hbz, Cologne |
Mary O’Brien | ||
Matthieu Bordet | DMCultura, Ravenna, Italy | |
Mohammad Alhamad | Missouri State University | |
Molly Driscoll | EBSCO | |
Moritz Horn | VZG, Göttingen | |
Nancy Finn | ||
x | Nancy Pelis | Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library |
Nicole Trujillo | ||
x | Nina Stellmann | VZG, Göttingen |
Norma Flores | Texas A&M University | |
Olga Harder | TIB Hannover | |
x | Owen Stephens | Product Owner - Owen Stephens Consulting |
Paul Trumble | Amherst | |
x | Peter Böhm | HeBIS, Frankfurt |
Peter McCracken | Cornell | |
Robert Heaton | ||
Robert Scheier | College of the Holy Cross | |
Rüdiger Stratmann | IAI SPK Berlin | |
Sabine Howahl | ULB Darmstadt | |
Sabrina Bayer | UB Regensburg | |
x | Sara Colglazier | Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library |
Sarah Dennis | Texas A&M University | |
Sarah Morgenstern-Einenkel | UB Leipzig | |
Scott Stangroom | UMass | |
Siobhan McManamon | Five Colleges / Smith College | |
Sobha Duvvuri | EBSCO | |
Stephani Kaceli | Cairn University | |
Stew MacLehose | University of New England | |
x | Susanne Schuster | BSZ Konstanz |
Tara Barnett | ||
Tatjana Clemens | UB Frankfurt | |
Theodor Tolstoi | Chalmers, EBSCO | |
Tracy Patton | Missouri State University | |
Virginia Martin | Duke University Libraries | |
Xiaoyan (Yan) Song | NCSU | |
Zorian Sasyk | EBSCO |