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Meeting Time:    8 am EST /  2 pm CET / 1 pm UK


Meeting URL needed: please see link below



ERM SIG Folio Wiki: https://wikifolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/ERMSIG/

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  • All: Please edit the attendees list below and indicate when you are there!
  • Next ERM meeting:   
  • all questions and topics for the ERM implementers meeting can be posted on this confluence page: https://wikifolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/MAEGAgSABS
  • Open discuss posts: right now no new posts regarding erm

Agenda items

  1. Development progress
  2. Demonstration of the new managed/shared dashboard functionality
  3. If time allows, demonstration of the Checklist functionality developed in the Open Access request management with an opportunity to discuss whether similar functionality would be useful for ERM


Development progress


There is an extended dashboard actions menu for the new functionality and a list of users to manage the user access to the dashboards. If you have two dashboards yo can switch between them, for example one for agreements and one for licenses or one dashboard for each publisher.

Sara: Is the dashboard now or in the future going to be rolled out for all apps?


Owen: At the moment I think it just gets longer and longer, a kind of list of these names. What we would like to do is implement a drop-down menu for the other names and when people really manage a lot of dashboards we have to think about a searchable or filterable list of names

If yo name a dashboard you can also give a discription. It's only a text-field. You hab an own actions menu for each dashboard:

  • new widget: create new widgets for this dashboard
  • order widgets: allows you to display the order of the widgets on the dashboard
  • edit dashboard: edit the name or description for the dashboard
  • user access: you can see who is allowed to manage, view or edit the dashboard and can add users to the dashboard and edit the acces level if you have manage permissions
  • delete dashboard

And you have actions for all dashboards below the list of actions for the specific dashboard:

  • new dashboard
  • manage dashboard: allows you to change the order of the dashboards, you can see the access level you have for these dashboard and can change the default dashboard. You automatically have the access level "manage" if you created the dashboard

Robert in the chat: Is it planned to have an indicator of whether I created a dashboard or whether it was shared with me?

Owen: No, we haven't discussed that. I dont't think we report who created it.

Robert in the chat: Possibly also a way to remove a dashboard from my list that was shared by someone else?

Owen: That is something we discussed. I think what we would do eventually is to add in some options to hide or show certain dashboards. But not at the moment.

Sara in chat: Can you delete it and it would disappear for me?

Owen: If it is shared with you an I delete it, it's deleted for everybody, yes.

Jack in chat: Have permissions changed for the Dashboard app with these new features?

Owen: No, there is no change in the permissions right now. But I will double check on permission for dashboard.

What we haven' t done is implement any concept of teams here. So it's all done by individual users. That is something we discussed. but we love to see this functionality Folio-wide. We wanted to get these work done anyway.

One thing we are discussing at the moment is that we should include a warning that says "you're deleting this dashboard for multiple users."

Sara: Can you see who all is using the dashboard?

Owen: Yes, If I look at user access, I can see the full list of users.

What you can't do is to remove yourself from the dashboard. It can't give a situation that a dashboard has no users because you can't remove yourself. But yo can make someone as a manager and than they can than remove you. You can have as many people as you want with the manage permission and they all have the same level of access to that dashboard. It doesn't matter who created it, they haven't any special extra permissions. There is also a superuser access, which would allow to give a user a permissions to manage the users across any of the dashboards. So, if the one user who can manage the dashboards, has left, you can use the superuser permission to manage the dashboard.

Jack in chat: So it operate more like a google team drive - the system is the ultimate "owner" and users just have different levels of access to the content

Owen: Yes, that sound accurate

Demonstration of the Checklist functionality developed in the Open Access request management

  • there is an Open Access SIG and the development has been done by Knowledge Integration developers
  • In Settings in the open access app we have checklist items
  • If you open a request in the open access app, you get a checklist item in the top right corner, you can open it
  • each request get the same list
  • you can hide an item from the list and add notes to the items
  • the default state is "not set", you can change it into yes, no and other

Owen will show it again with more time for talking about it. He likes to discuss with the group and have some questions. But everybody can play around on this in the snapshot environment


Von Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) an alle 02:08 PM
