Meeting URL: https://zoom.us/j/995679876Password needed: please see link below
ERM SIG Folio Wiki: https://wikifolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/ERMSIG/
Google Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17X3tr6siZH8iS07kGcjAqUNl01zVrJmB
- All: Please edit the attendees list below and indicate when you are there!
- Next ERM meeting:
- all questions and topics for the ERM implementers meeting can be posted on this confluence page: https://wikifolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/MAEGAgSABS
- Open discuss posts: right now no new posts regarding erm
Agenda items
- Development progress - | ERM Sprint 148
- Continuation: New search options for Agreements and Agreement Lines - please complete the homework at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SCkPOlOF2KYtg3ZZ1Ga0Z72ypJbzzKBF_StNFV4Sp-Q/edit?usp=sharing
- Search options for resources in the Agreements local KB - if you use the local KB please complete the homework at https://docs.google.com/document/d/16u3RkXSbUyqbvPqqJX1Kwv7O8uV-faF-1LO7Jrdt_UU/edit?usp=sharing
- NB discussion of this topic maybe rolled forward to the next SIG if we do not have time to discuss this week
- same sprint as last week: 148
- dashboard sharing work is now upon Folio-snapshot
- there are still some issues but basic functionality is there
- there is ability to create several dashboards, give them a name and change between them
- give other folio-users the rights to manage the dashboard, aministrate or view it
- it is expected that the new dashboard functionality will be included in the next release
Continuation: New search options for resources in the agreement and agreement lines (homework)
Homework document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SCkPOlOF2KYtg3ZZ1Ga0Z72ypJbzzKBF_StNFV4Sp-Q/edit?usp=sharing
Agreement lines search
- questionQuestion: Are there any fields that we are not currently including that you would like to see included in the text search?
Owen: You can search agreements with the agreement level properties and agreement lines with agreement line level properties. You can't search agreement lines based on that parent agreement properties
- questionQuestion: Would it be useful to be able to select exactly which fields are included in the text search (as we are currently implementing for Agreements)? If Yes, please give an example of why this would be useful
- options for agreement line types:
- detached: agreements lines that aren't attached with any resource
- external: the resources are not in the internal knoledgebase
- internal: the resources are from the internal knowledgebase
- The question is, is it useful to filter agreement lines by type in this way?
- the answers are "yes" but questions from Felix and Jack are, if the option external could bie hidden if eHoldings is not configured and internal be hidden if checkbox "hide internal agreements kb" is selected.
- questionQuestion: If you think the filter is useful, what labels would you suggest we use for these different Agreement line types?
- Suggestion from Felix and ; Sara agrees:
- External
- Internal
- Unlinked
- Suggestion from Felix and ; Sara agrees:
- Question: Would it be useful to be able to specify multiple agreements or POLs rather than just a single one in the search filter?
- all agrees, that it would be usefull
- Question: Are there additional search or filter options we have not currently implemented that you would like to see supported?
- Jessica: a search option for agreements that aren't linked to specific areas of Folio
- Answer from Felix in chat: Agreements with no AGRLines -- that is available in Dashboard, just FYI Jessica. I'm using it.
- Owen: I think it's a filter option for Agreements, not for agreement lines. If you start to use the agreement line search, than you find what you can`t do with it and tell me.
Owen: Next week we will discuss the other homework about local KBs. If you use the local KB please take a look at that homework end add any answers.
Von Zorian Sasyk
Sara, couldn't you double check with the vendor to verify back access and then enter in the Agreement?