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ItemWhoNotesAction Items/Task List
Notes from DracineDoreen Herold
  • Consortia SIG:
  • If you are interested in joining the Consortia SIG, please enter your name on the Google Sheet linked above.
  • Joseph reported that next Wednesday, 3/15/2017, 10:00am Central Standard Time there will be a FOLIO Forum. This will include an update on the FOLIO roadmap as well as a demo. EBSCO and Index Data will be presenting information.
  • There is a FOLIO Forum every other week. Roadmap updates will be presented quarterly. Joseph will represent us on that group.
Item Statuses / WorkflowFilip Jakobsen
  • Link to the presentation at the RM SIG meeting (Filip referenced this during his presentation)The concept of a workflow "engine" is being discussed at Index Data. This would include in FOLIO the ability to create custom workflows for library functions.
  • "Item Status" becomes import in this context of workflows. What workflows need to be supported?
  • Needed:
    • Current position of the item
    • Non-circulation stopping features
    • Circulation stopping info (ex. damaged for bindery, cataloging fix needed)
  • What implications does this have for the work of the Cataloging SIG?
    • Naun - Is acquisition status part of this discussion? Filip - yes. Naun - In a lot of library workflows an item is not created until it is received. Some libraries will have problems with the necessity of an item status. Filip said that for many reasons they have decided that libraries will have to create an item record right away. Naun warned that this may be a "mental speed bump" for some libraries who are not used to that being in their workflow.
    • Lynn - Will item records be optional? Filip? Why do you need bib records and no item record? Lynn - Example: ebooks at times do not have item records at some libraries. Filip - Still in the process of figuring out these structures. This is an ongoing discussion with Index Data. Lynn
    • Filip demoed prototype to show - 1) ability for any record to have custom fields 2) any record will have a notes field, allowing staff to tag colleagues in the note 3) bookmarks will be available as well. These could be used for reference, collocating record sets. These features should make a lot of workflows a lot easier.
    • Doreen emphasized the importance to librarians of seeing where exactly an item is physically located.
    • Filip said questions are : What do the patrons need to see? What does the staff need to see? Concepts of automation and workflows.
    • Workflow engine would allow staff to created different workflow. Ability to schedule (automate) repetitive jobs. Automation events could be triggered by workflows.
    • Naun - Has heard the point to have the workflows that are too rigid can be counterproductive. Filip is aware of this criticism, and is therefore building flexibility into the system so workflows can be opted out of at any time.
    • Lynn - Wondering if thought of building in logic relationships such as "if item is being repaired" then it should not be displayed to the patron.
    • Filip - How do we figure out rules?
    • Lynn - Will system have the ability for institution to create its own logic? Filip - This has not been discussed.
    • Doreen - would it help if we created a table of use cases for workflows in Confluence to help Filip get a deeper meeting behind the statuses? Filip thought it would be good for the group to have this conversation. He would be interested in the outcome.
    • Lynn - What information do you need from us? What would be helpful? Filip is not sure how we can help, necessarily. What does Index Data need to consider? What part of the workflow intersect with Cataloging. "Trying to figure out what we need to figure out" What do we in Cataloging know that Circ does not know, but that we all need to know. How do we get to the core of the problems
    • Lynn - Metadata and relationship info may "live better" at the item level then at the bib level. Opportunity to put info that has been put into bibliographic record be included instead at the bib level.
    • Filip - Looking for any kind of information on what is important to be aware of. Filip needs to know about items statuses - open ended question. Help me define the challenge we need to solve.
    • Collection app in system - Bib records that show related item records, package records. Are there records that don't exist now that should exist.
    • Filip suggested making a "free from" text document where people can enter any kind of notes, as well as a group document. Filip would like to continue this conversation at a future meeting. (Record type, item statuses, workflows)
    • Assignment: Work on collecting information on Item Statuses - what is behind our current item statuses? What is the concept? - Doreen will send out workspaces
  •  Doreen Herold will create work environment for all to contribute to re: what item statuses we use and what are the use cases for those statuses