Recordings are posted Here (2022+) and Here (pre-2022) Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings
Requirements details Here Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot
Attendees: Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) Monica Arnold Raegan Wiechert Christie Thomas Taylor Smith Jennifer Eustis Jenn Colt Lynne Fors Dung-Lan Chen Jeanette Kalchik
Current development (Orchid)
- No meeting Weds 15 Feb
- A-M will send cancellation - DONE
- Log Subgroup
- Finished first round of work yesterday
- Will summarize and organize in the next couple weeks, then present to the DI Subgroup to discuss
- Some small changes may be Orchid bugfixes; other changes will be in Poppy
- Importing to create orders
- Specific fields
- Funds
- Do you expect to map fund data from incoming MARC field/subfield, or default into the field mapping profile, or both?
- Almost always mapped from the incoming MARC, but sometimes defaulted in the profile
- If so, would that data be
- Fund code - YES
- Fund name - NO
- Fund name (code) - NO
- A-M: Add task for mapping fund code:
Jira Legacy server System JiraJIRA serverId 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc key MODSOURMAN-951 - A-M: Make field mapping UI change to show name (code) in edit and view screens
Jira Legacy server System JiraJIRA serverId 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc key UIDATIMP-1367
- Do you expect to map fund data from incoming MARC field/subfield, or default into the field mapping profile, or both?
- Expense classes
- Do you expect to map expense class data from incoming MARC field/subfield, or default into the field mapping profile, or both?
- Almost always mapped from the incoming MARC, but sometimes defaulted in the profile
- If so, would that data be
- Expense class code - YES
- Expense class name - NO
- Expense class name (code) - NO
- A-M: Add task for mapping expense class:
Jira Legacy server System JiraJIRA serverId 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc key MODSOURMAN-952 - A-M: Make field mapping UI change to show name (code) in edit and view screen
Jira Legacy server System JiraJIRA serverId 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc key UIDATIMP-1368
- Do you expect to map expense class data from incoming MARC field/subfield, or default into the field mapping profile, or both?
- Vendor
- Do you expect to map vendor data from incoming MARC field/subfield, or default into the field mapping profile, or both? Both
- If so, would that data be
- Vendor code - YES
- Vendor name - NO
- Vendor name (code) - NO
- What about Material supplier - handle the same as Vendor
- What about Access provider - handle the same as Vendor
- A-M Add task for mapping Vendor, Material supplier, Access provider:
Jira Legacy server System JiraJIRA serverId 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc key MODSOURMAN-953
- Account number
- Do you expect to map account number data from incoming MARC field/subfield, or default into the field mapping profile, or both?
- Most don't use account numbers in their MARC data; some do
- If mapped, is it OK for FOLIO to assume that the data would match an account number associated with the organization record?
- Doesn't matter, per the FOLIO Acq devs - FOLIO doesn't validate account number. whatever was in the mapped field would be put into the Account number field of the POL
- A-M: Add task to confirm account number mapping logic:
Jira Legacy server System JiraJIRA serverId 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc key MODSOURMAN-954 - Christie will check with a UAT test, to confirm no errors or problems unopening orders with random account data
- Do you expect to map account number data from incoming MARC field/subfield, or default into the field mapping profile, or both?
- Funds
- Questions about last week's homework? Add test details and sample files to Google Drive
- Please aim to add at least 1 test before 8 February
- A-M will change tests 1 and 2 to not map data for fund, expense class, vendor; then add tests to map those values, then hopefully a few more tests
- Aiming to start this UAT Weds 8 Feb
- Specific fields
- Inventory Single Record Import - Selecting profiles UAT
- Please complete by Weds 8 Feb
- UAT form:
- Environment and testing details: (start with diku_admin/admin, but set up your own user)
- A-M
- Plan to demo/discuss at MM SIG tomorrow - DONE
- Advertise on MM SIG board
- Advertise on DI board
- No meeting Weds 15 Feb
Upcoming meetings/agenda topics: