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Have the ability to identify a batch of item records with the same characteristic (e.g. temporary location = course reserve) and change them (e.g. remove the temp location)

Would expand to cover items matching multiple characteristics.

Would also want to be able to perform this based on a text list of barcodes, item hrids or item uuids.


Maybe ETL, but difficult to isolate single items on instances with multiple items


Jenn Colt

Jacquie Samples

Molly Driscoll on behalf of Michigan State University

Christie Thomas




Have the ability to identify a batch of holdings records with the same characteristic (belonging to a set of batch loaded materials, in a particular location and belong to a particular campus) and then perform a change on any field in the FOLIO holdings. This change could include adding a prefix or suffix to urls or updating the url in holdings for electronic resources.

Would expand to cover holdings matching multiple characteristics.

Would also want to be able to do this based on a text list of hrids or uuids for the holdings records.


Inventory: Holdings

SRS: MARC Holdings

Difficult to isolate single holdings on instances with multiple holdings


Jennifer Eustis

Molly Driscoll on behalf of Michigan State University

Christie Thomas Amanda Scott (MTSU)


Identify and isolate records in need of clean-up, for examples

  • when the URL for our proxy server changes and we need to update 900,000 bib records to reflect the accurate URL.
  • when adding a few million Hathi ETAS records for discovery (and then removing them!)


None known, except by staff labor. 

For URL changes, we "could" export the whole catalog, work in an outside system, and then overlay the identified records. This work-around is only functional when match and overlays are working for SRS records.



One-by-one processing

My understanding is that item status workflows will have their own logic / permissions to govern who can change a particular item status and who can't - so I'm not sure if that would make this its own use case or not.




Bulk delete of patron records who have passed their expiration date and have no other associated dependencies (e.g., open loans or unpaid fines.)

added by Björn Muschall:

  • even bulk delete of user records who have not passed their expiration date (but have no dependencies)
  • based on a list of user barcodes, which needs to be uploaded



Bulk update of patron information - use cases like extending expiration dates; updating delivery preferences when a department changes location; updating custom field information

added by Björn Muschall:

  • update Expiration date in general (e.g. to make user inactive)
  • update Patron group
  • update Patron blocks
  • based on a list of user barcodes, which needs to be uploaded








Laura E Daniels

Molly Driscoll on behalf of Michigan State University

Christie Thomas


One by one. Currently data import doesn't do this.




Molly Driscoll on behalf of FOLIO ERM sites


Have the ability to batch add or update a note or other field for all instances or holdings or items in a given set.

(Christie Thomaschanged this to high as we are currently adding electronic bookplates to the holdings notes field in the absence of a donor management app and associated functionality. Because the notes are repeatable, ETL would only work if you are adding a new note to existing notes or deleting all notes and adding notes. it is not possible to replace a specific note.)



Have the ability to identify approval order records from a specific date/load and update the vendor codes for those records

More generally, create a list of orders and bulk/rapid update funds, vendors, requestors, and notes.


Molly Driscoll on behalf of Michigan State University


Molly Driscoll on behalf of Michigan State University


Have the ability to identify SRS records containing specific MARC coding and bulk update that code. 

Example: When Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the country code for Czechoslovakia (cs) was replaced by xr (Czech Republic) and xo (Slovakia).

Example: One collection originally coded all names as personal names (700 field). We identified and recoded most of the corporate body names.


Molly Driscoll on behalf of Michigan State University Amanda Scott (MTSU)


Add a similar feature to Sierra Global Update that allows you to see the data from the fields of the same type (author, subject, title, etc.) present in a set (review file) of records.  

Use case  Identify bib records from the daily headings reports that have not been sent for authorities processing. 

Example: Backstage inserts a code indicating that a bib record has been processed in the 040 field. I can view all the 040 fields from a set of records using the “toggle” function in Global Update and select records for future authorities processing. 

Use case – Find patterns of problems in a set of records. 

Example: During record loading, some MARC fields may end up being duplicated. Sierra Create List searching cannot find duplicate fields, but the “toggle” function in Global Update helps identify affected records. 


Molly Driscoll on behalf of Michigan State University


Ability to temporarily add or remove a MARC field in SRS.

Use case – To temporarily exclude some bib records from authorities processing, we add a 9XX note and re-write the monthly search query to exclude records using that note. 

Example: The recent EEBO record load was huge, so we had to temporarily exclude them from the month’s authorities processing query.  


Molly Driscoll on behalf of Michigan State University

Jacquie Samples we have this use case


One-by-one processing via UI, or scripting with existing APIs


Björn Muschallon behalf of Leipzig University Library






Bulk edit due dates resp. bulk renewals (considering pandemic situation or short-term temporary closure of a library/location), needs further clarification, e.g. execution based on which characteristics, all loans, loans from specific effective item location, specific library, etc.? Staff user should be prompted to enter the new due date. What is the relationship to the applied loan policy (e.g. number of renewals allowed, loan period for renewals)?

Perhaps to be considered together with UXPROD-2375 (Automatic renewals)



Bulk edit expiration date for users. Criteria: Patron group, current expiration date, Blocking status, Department, Custom fields, etc.


Uschi Klute

on behalf of GBV libraries




Have the ability to identify a batch of instance records with the same characteristic (belonging to a set of batch loaded materials, with a particular status) and then perform a change on any field in the Instance or underlying SRS.

Would expand to cover instances matching multiple characteristics.

Would also want to be able to do this based on a text list of hrids or uuids for the instance records.



Batch delete items: Identify a batch of item records (e.g. scan barcodes, list of UUIDs, file from query) and delete all of them

*should not be able to delete any that are tied to, e.g., order or user data (item status checked out, on order, etc.) – system either does not delete these or gives warning and requires approval before deleting



Batch delete holdings: Identify a batch of holdings records (e.g., list of UUIDs, file from query) and delete all of them (including any underlying SRS records)

*should not be able to delete any that have dependent items – system either does not delete these or gives warning and requires approval before deleting



Batch delete instances: Identify a batch of instance records (e.g., list of UUIDs, file from query) and delete all of them (including any underlying SRS records)

*should not be able to delete any that have dependent holdings – system either does not delete these or gives warning and requires approval before deleting


Mark as suppressed (from discovery or from staff... or both):

Identify a batch of Instances and all associated holdings/items; Holdings and all associated items; or Items --

Mark all as suppressed

for Holdings, mark any associated items as suppressed also

for Instances, mark any associated holdings and any items associated with them as suppressed also



Mark for deletion:

Identify a batch of Instances and all associated holdings/items; Holdings and all associated items; or Items --

Mark for deletion

for Holdings or MARC Holdings, mark any associated items as suppressed also

for Instances, mark any associated holdings and any items associated with them as suppressed also



Ability to identify records with certain characteristics (a particular 650, for example) and permanently add a MARC field in SRS and Instance to those records.

Use case: In-house record enhancements (adding new controlled vocabularies such as LCGFT or LCMPT)



Anushie Moonasasr Durban University of Technology


Uschi Klute

on behalf of GBV libraries


Uschi Klute

on behalf of GBV libraries


Bulk edit Patron blocks based on a list/file of users to be uploaded.

Use case: In Leipzig we get 



Move data from one type of record to another within an app

Example: I have a local note in my instance records. I want to move this note to any holdings records associated with these instances. Effectively, this requires copying the note(s), adding them to the associated holdings, deleting them from the instances.


Inventory: Instances, Holdings, Items



Metadata Management

Resource Management


User Management


Sara Colglazier

We also change Item Status in bulk. This may duplicate the use-case in line 9, though.Jacquie Samples


October 2021 - a Bulk Edit working group has been formed, and the use cases that used to be on this page are now in their wiki space here: Bulk Edit Use Cases - For New Functionality and Issues see Implementers Topics

Please make future updates on the new page.