- Status-check: Anticipated Outputs from Charge
- A vision statement for managing entities across the FOLIO environment
- A gap analysis concerning FOLIO's functional requirements for handling entity-focused data models
- Question: do sections on "Why a separate app?", "Functional Requirements" and "Interactions across FOLIO Applications" address this output? Or is anything else needed?
- Would the gap analysis outline anything regarding the MARCcat controlled heading (scanbit) work? This work is behind the scene rather than in the bibliographic metadata workflow... ability to select an already-present heading and see whether that heading is in a record already. Control is outsourced to the authority management system.
- From tech perspective, in vision document we said we need an app so there is the gap. Feels redundant to say we need a separate gap analysis
- Might incorporate in vision doc the work being done for MARCcat & ScanBit as a short-term effort but that this does not cover what we are trying to achieve
- ACTION ITEM: Jason will add to the vision document a line or two concerning that ScanBit's work to create an authority control work area in MARCcat does not address the suite of entity management functions outlined in the user stories and is a short-term fix for select functionalities for only those implementors who are using MARCcat.
- Use cases that would define projects
- Question: do the user stories address this output? Or is anything else needed?
- ACTION ITEM: Christie has another use case... will send to group
- ACTION ITEM: Jason will add a last updated line to the header
- List of reporting needs to present to Metadata Management and Reporting SIGs
- A list of short-to-medium term projects that provide needed functionality or a service and that can act as a proof of concept or test bed
- What are we working on next?
- Reporting needs is more concrete, smaller and touched-on in the vision doc. Might be worth taking a pass in the vision doc and adding reporting needs to it. Quite a few can be pulled from App Interaction section in particular
- The two remaining outputs (reporting needs + short- and medium- term projects) seem like first steps for another / future work group once the Entities App is approved/resourced
- These are hyper-specific toward being able to build something. If do these, we are at the point of defining the index, etc.
- In a way, we are trying to stage future work
- Would it be unacceptable to say "our work is done until MM-SIG takes it up"; is the next step really user-centered design?
- Working on short- and medium- term projects might be problematic... instead maybe a roadmap of what we see as needing to happen next
- Steps:
- need to publish our vision doc on the wiki
- MM-SIG needs to sanction the vision
- Speak about vision to Implementors group
- Product Counsel would need to be involved
- UX design would need to happen (Filip Jakobsen would be great for this!)
- Maybe: if the App is not built, then we consider short- and medium- term projects. We can always create reports later
- Chicago has some tooling built for OLE... and is it in scope of group to address real-world needs we have before July 1 go live?
- Can this all happen in parallel?
- Chicago's tool is proof-of-concept
- Is our goal something that should integrate external services OR something that interacts with external services?
- Both given the hope that FOLIO is flexible in its implementation
- Before we present to PC, should have talk with Kirsten (chair of PC) Kirstin Kemner-Heek (PC Chair), who was also establishing how to finance the ERM project
- EBSCO used to have innovation grants for FOLIO... those may not exist anymore but Jim worked on those and might have connections to engage with those who had funded those
- What about FOLIO Implementors Group?
- Next step: talk to MM-SIG... do nothing before that
- ACTION ITEM: Jason will talk to Laura E Daniels about scheduling for MM-SIG sooner-than-later