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  • Presentation af the latest UX design for the Inventory App (the former Instance App and Item App)



Product Council Update

Met earlier this morning. There has been work on the roadmap document. To get to it, start at

  • Timeline
    • Important Documents > Feature Backlog
    • Important Documents > FOLIO Development and Milestone Plan (v.1 document) (This is Harry's document) This has the timeline, product owner, development team

  • Supported Browsers
    • A survey will be put together to see what browsers are being used, to understand which direction development should take.
  • Instance vs. Inventory
    • The product council will work to facilitate a decision to firm up the terminology
  • Nov. 1 FOLIO Forum covers the Roadmap and Demo. This meeting will be recorded and posted later for people to see.
  • Visits
    • Library of Congress
    • London w/representatives from JISC
    • FOLIO days in Germany
    • We can probably expect to see more people to join in the work of the SIGs as an outcome of these visits.
  Forum Facilitators or Linked Data WG?
40 minPresentation of UX design - Inventory app

New and updated screens for the Inventory App

    • Search results in 2nd pane - discuss data to be presented and how to unfold detailed view
    • Misc examples on resource types
    • Instance - View, create, update, delete
    • Holdings - View, create, update, delete
    • Items - View, create, update, delete
    • and more ...

  • Merging Instances,Holdings, and Item into one interface.
    • Reason - "decoupling" the data for two suit two separate ideas was too difficult
    • Use case - Scan application would lead to other appliations. The scan interface is needed.
    • Search interface is needed
    • On app that reveals Instances, Holdings, Item in on app.
    • One way that these could all be displayed is using a model similar to Window's folders/subfolders that display a hierarchy of data.
      • If the Holdings record in search results was clicked on, it would lead only to the holdings data.
      • Anything we want to search by, material type, location, etc. should still be searchable. The instance data needs to be searched across.
    • Example search: Search a specific shelf in a specific library. "Parents" of the children that result from the search, the full context would be displayed.
      • If the search results are large this display may have too much information
        Example of display:

      • How can this be customized to be useful for multiple scenarios. Holdings working group will address this.
  • Details
    • Is a search within a holdings result useful?

      • Dennis gave the use case that if an instance is found on a search, the user may want to find a note within the search result. He is going to give a specific scenario and bring it back to Filip.
    • Display of holdings data: coverage
      • Collapsing holdings as a holdings summary for display purposes. No data would be removed. Is this desirable? Generally the group thought it was a good idea. Someone noted that multi-part monographs should be considered as well.
      • In preferences for inventory, the brief holdings display can be controlled.
    • Adding new instances/items/holdings records:
      1. Import record from an external source.
      2. Create basic records in FOLIO native format. What fields should be included when a new record created? The fields that are currently being considered is here:
    • Inventory App - If there are 200 copies of a book on a holdings record, Is this display of availablility, under the items desirable?

5-10 minHoldings & Instance mapping working groups

Charlotte Whitt and members of the working groups

Initial work

MM SIG Parking lot & discuss forum topicsLynn WhittenbergerMM SIG Parking Lot ;
