(Including Piece Counts) Jira Legacy server System JiraJIRA serverId 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc key UXPROD-2396
- The reporter’s institution uses the Inventory module.
- Online resource counts are excluded even if tracked in the Inventory; see the ERM queries for online counts. Each reporter must know where her/his institution’s various resources are tracked and find the needed reports as appropriate, adding together counts if needed, and avoiding any duplication if possible.
- [for ERM query: assumed that online titles are not track in both the ERM and the Inventory]
- This query is only for items or pieces held counts. For physical resources, see the other RM queries for titles held counts and serial titles/subscriptions currently received counts. For online resources, see the ERM queries for titles held counts and for serial titles/subscriptions currently received counts.
- This query results in one or more counts, not a list or lists of titles. It is more for internal or external assessment/benchmarking purposes or for planning efforts, rather than for project work. See other MM or RM reports for other purposes.
- Only items that have been cataloged and made ready for use are included (including those batch-loaded).
- Each institution will decide how it will make it possible to break counts out by format. Requests covered here range from being able to break out counts by a very specific format, to having a report that breaks out all counts by general bibliographic format. We have attempted to identify the most common fields that will be used, and documented which they are.
- Any titles cataloged in the Inventory have instance and holdings records, and item records when appropriate.
- Any locations used are assigned through the holdings record.
- It is generally assumed that if you need a holdings count as of a certain date, you take it on that date. While you can use processing dates to exclude items newly added after a certain date, you cannot get back items that were withdrawn or transferred through this query.
- Local and national definitions can be updated from year to year; be sure to review for needed changes.
Relevant documentation:
- API reference documentation for all modules located at: https://dev.folio.org/reference/api/
- FOLIO raml parser: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m_Cq_GmZX37gJPEjVWt9eOLXskUjSLUb-8KapWj0SIw/edit#gid=24879874
- Inventory Beta - Metadata Elements (being kept up to date by Charlotte): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RCZyXUA5rK47wZqfFPbiRM0xnw8WnMCcmlttT7B3VlI/edit#gid=952741439
This is a place where we added additional information related to the Folio structure and a list of reports by module. It also provides details of elements needed for the Count Cluster.
This is a place where we record known issues and/or topics to revisit, including items to discuss at the SIG meeting.
- REP-41: Annual E-Resource Counts for ARL, ACRL and NCES and local reporting (all here that is an item count is a volume count)
- REP-42: Books, among those: incunabula
- REP-43: Books in rare book collections (rare prints from 16th century on, works with dedications/inscriptions, with precious bindings; only those collected in separate shelves/collections)
- REP-44: Other printed works (e.g. maps, music scores, single sheets, patents, standards), overall overall (items held, acquired, withdrawn, expenditures)
- REP-45: Other printed works, among them: maps and plans by sheets
- REP-46: Other printed works, among them: music scores by units
- REP-47: Other printed works, among them: single sheets (flyers, drawings, placards etc.)
- REP-48: Other printed works, among them: standards (norms)
- REP-49: Other non-electronic materials (e.g. audio-visual recording media (slides, films, videos), microfiches, art prints, pictures, post cards), altogether (items held, acquired, withdrawn, expenditures)
- REP-50: Other non-electronic materials, among these: audio-visual materials (all analog recordings of mainly tonal or visual contents and which require specific technical equipment to play back. Slides, cassettes, films, video cassettes.). Digital media (CDs, DVDs etc.) are not counted here but under Digital stocks !
- REP-52: Other non-electronic materials, of those: further materials by physical units (anything which does not fall into the above and the following categories)
- REP-53: Manuscripts and autographs, manual documents and music scores, altogether (to be counted by physical units, e.g. volumes, capsules, rolls etc.) (items held, acquired, withdrawn, expenditures)
- REP-54: Manuscripts and autographs, of those: textual manuscripts
- REP-55: Manuscripts and autographs, of those: music (score) manuscripts and music autographs
- REP-56: Manuscripts and autographs, of those: autographs (autographs are personal writings - of moderate size - of celebrities; i.e. letters, concepts)
- REP-57: properties left by decedents (including those properties in the Manuscripts and Autographs section)
- REP-60: Digital stocks, among these: digitized works out of the library's print stocks, which are hosted by the library itself (field M says counted in volumes, so moved from titles)
- REP-75: Acquisition - of all expenses spent on purchases: purchases of obligatory copies (all library materials which have been acquired due to the governmental regulations on the delivery of deposit copies and administrative printed matters. Dissertations of the own university are not counted here.) (this not put in our cluster, but need to identify)
- REP-81: Books (including dissertations and other theses in bound form), journals and newspapers by bound units, altogether (this not put in our cluster) (items held, acquired, withdrawn, expenditures)
- REP-85: Other printed works, among those: patents (by physical units)
REP-167: Count of items retained. Total number of items under retention commitments at both the consortial and library level. Data points - retaining library, item count, % of total retentions by individual library.
- REP-229: Counts of resources by language/country of publication
- REP-230: Titles and Item Holdings (by this meant: the ability to get title and item counts for any specific type of format, etc. needed)
- REP-231: Count of archival boxes (this is a means at Cornell, for example, to get at the number of linear/cubic feet held/added new)
- (need to ask Ingolf if title counts are needed for physical items by the DBS (e.g., reports 42-57); assuming only title counts available for e-resources) → IK: REP-42 through REP-47 are only counts of physical items. No e-resources there.
Ask Ingulf about ER/Physical. Where in Folio?
- REP-51: Other non-electronic materials, among these: micromaterials
FOLIO Attribute (Module/Path:Object) | FOLIO Data Element Description | Parameters/Query | Questions |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances | |||
Instance ID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:id) | UUID for an Instance record | Allows for title counts. Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage and mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage. instances:id == mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings:instanceId It is possible that an Instance record do not have holdings/items associated with it, like memberships. An Instance record is like a BIB record. | |
Instance HRID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:hrid) | (human readable ID) | ||
Instance Suppression Status (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:discoverySuppress) | Indicates that the instance record is "suppressed" and should not be displayed in a discovery system | This element provides a means of excluding suppressed instance records from the total title count. Will not want to count titles suppressed from discovery. Will also be used to find withdrawn titles. | |
Instance Status ID (mod-inventory-storage-/instance_statuses:id) | UUID for a particular instance status | Provide a join between mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instance/status_id and mod inventory-storage/instance_status:id May want to count only those things cataloged and made ready for use. This may also be a way to exclude unpurchased PDA/DDA titles. | |
Instance Status Updated Date (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:statusUpdatedDate) | Provides the status update date | Needs to be extracted from the JSON object. Keep this. Might be needed to determine when status set. repeatable? | |
Instance Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:instanceTypeId) | UUID for a particular instance type | Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage and mod-inventory-storage/instance-types. May allow to filter by type/format if needed. Connects with:mod-inventory-storage/instance-types:id. | |
Instance Format ID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:instanceFormatIds) | UUID associated with a particular instance format | Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage and mod-inventory-storage/instance-format. May allow to filter by type/format if needed. Connects with:mod-inventory-storage/instance-formats:id | |
Instance Nature of Content Terms ID (mod-inventory storage/instances:natureOfContentTermID) | UUID of the Nature Of Content Term | “Nature of content” will be used by German institutions in FOLIO. We don't know of any US libraries using it; but they could. Needs to be extracted from the JSON object. | |
Instances Statistical Code ID (mod-inventory-storage/instances: statistical_code_id) | UUID of a statistical code | Connects with mod-inventory-storage/instances: statistical_code_id. May allow to filter by type/format if needed. *Repeatable field* Will be pulled from Json. | |
Instances Modes of Issuance ID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instance:mode_of_issuance_id | UUID of a mode of issuance. | Connects with mod-inventory-storage/modes_of_issuance:id Some examples of values: single unit; multipart monograph; serial; integrating resource... Coming from RDA. | |
Date of Publication (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:publication{dateOfPublication} | Date (year YYYY) of publication, distribution, etc. | *Repeatable field* Is this right? May be needed to get the publication dates. Date of publication may also be used to help define a format? | |
Instances Cataloged date (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:cataloged_date) | Provide the cataloged date | May need to say, e.g., was cataloged before 7/1/2020 for FY20 stats. Is this also used for the other statuses we'd be interested in? | |
Instance Previously Held (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instance:previously_held) | Indicates if the instance was previously held | Records the fact that the resource was previously held by the library for things like Hathi access, etc. Will return a True of False. Yes, we want that. May not be implemented yet though; it is in the administrative data of the instance record. | |
OA - WIth ERM? Set up a meeting with Peter McCracken and Laura. Where is the location of OA? Not currently in Inventory. Laura says no standard way to do OA naturally. Ask Peter McCracken to a meeting with us three. How are we doing in Voyager? Should be set so that can be used in discovery: some users only want OA materials. Not sure where it should go in FOLIO. Is is not an ISness issue (like I am a newspaper)? Would use a code like instance status? Statistical? In an instance or a holdings note? | |||
Add instance notes - look up. repeatable. | they are paired with types | ||
Add: language of publication; country of publication; country about; general classification. | |||
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/instance_statuses | |||
Instance Status ID (mod-inventory-storage/instance_statuses:id | UUID of an Instance Status | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage /instance_statuses:id and mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:statusId | |
Instance Status Name (mod-inventory-storage/instance_statuses:name) | Label for the instance status (e.g., possibly in this case "Cataloged", "Batch Loaded", OR "pda unpurchased".) | A library may want to select only those titles cataloged and made ready for use as of the date of the count. Each institution should have its own list of statuses. At CU, we can likely use "cataloged" and "batch loaded." Laura is contemplating added a status of "pda unpurchased" so institutions can exclude unpurchased patron driven acquisition / demand driven acquisition (PDA/DDA). Statuses not selected will be excluded. Not repeatable. | |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/instance-types | |||
Instance Types ID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-types:id) | UUID of an Instance Type | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage /instance-types:id and mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:instanceTypeId | |
Instance Type Name (mod-inventory-storage/instance-types:name) | Label for the instance type (e.g. for REP-61 "performed music", "sounds", "spoken word", "three-dimensional moving image", OR "two-dimensional moving image") | Used to filter (if necessary). This table connects with: mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage:id. In MARC 21 terms this is "content type" (Bib 336):“form of communication through which a work is expressed”. https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd336.html | |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/instance-formats | |||
Instance Formats ID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-formats:id) | UUID of an Instance Format | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage /instance-format:id and mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:instanceFormatIds | |
Instance Format Name (mod-inventory-storage/instance-formats:name) | Label for the Instance Format (e.g. for REP-61 "audio – audio disc", "computer – computer disc", "computer – online resource", OR "video – videodisc") | Used to filter (if necessary). This table connects with (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instance_formats:id). In MARC 21 terms this is a combination of "media type" (Bib 337) and "carrier type" (Bib 338). | |
Table Name: mod-inventory-storage/nature_of_content_terms | |||
Nature of Content terms ID: (mod-inventory-storage/nature_of_content_terms:id) | UUID of the Nature Of Content Terms | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/instances:natureOfContentTermID and mod-inventory-storage/nature_of_content_terms:id | |
Nature of Content Terms Name: (mod-inventory-storage/nature_of_content:name) | Name of the Nature of Content | “Nature of content” will be used by German institutions in FOLIO. We don't know of any US libraries using it; but they could. Needs to be extracted from the JSON object. Connects with mod-inventory-storage/instances:natureOfContentTermID | |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/statistical_codes | |||
Statistical Codes ID (mod-inventory-storage/statistical-codes:id) | UUID of a Statistical Code | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage /statistical-codes:id and mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:statisticalCodeIds | |
Statistical Codes Name (mod-inventory-storage/statistical-codes: name) | Name of the Statistical Code | Allows to code for particular things institutions need, e.g., particular formats; particular projects; withdrawn?; don't export to OCLC; etc. | |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/statistical_codes_types | |||
Statistical Codes Types ID (mod-inventory-storage/statistical_codes_types:id) | UUID of a statistical Code Type | Provide a join between mod-inventory-storage/instances: statistical_code_type_id and mod-inventory-storage/statistical_codes_types:id | |
Statistical Codes Types Name (mod-inventory-storage/statistical_codes_types:name) | Name of the Statistical Code Type (Ex: ARL, DISC,RECM,SERM) | Some institutions will be using this for various types of counts (e.g., ARL and serials maintenance (including way to tell if a serial is currently received or not). It will be locally defined. Connects with mod-inventory-storage/statistical_codes:statistical_code_type_id | |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/modes_of_issuance | |||
Modes of Issuance ID (mod-inventory-storage/modes_of_issuance:id) | ID of the mode of issuance | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:mode_of_issuance_id and mod-inventory-storage/mode_of_issuance:id | |
Modes of Issuance Name (mod-inventory-storage/modes_of_issuance/issuance:name) | Provides the name of the mode of issuance (Ex.: Integrating resource, multipart monograph, serial, single unit, unspecified) | Connects with mod-inventory-storage/instances/mode_of_issuance_id | |
Library may need to select by or exclude certain holdings locations. This requires adding link to holdings and locations record measures. | |||
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings | |||
Holding's Instance ID (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings:instanceId) | UUID to link a Holdings record to an Instance | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/holding-storage to mod-inventory/instance-storage. This allows us to pull the bibliographic data in the instance record. A Holdings must have an Instance ID associated with it. holdings:instanceId == mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:id | |
Holding ID (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdingsRecord:id) | UUID for a Holdings record | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/holding-storage to mod-inventory/item-storage. This allows us to gain access to instance level details. holdings:id == mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:holdingsRecordId | |
Holdings HRID (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdingsRecords:hrid) | (human readable ID) | ||
Permanent location (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdingsRecord:permanentLocationId) | Assuming we don't care about temporary location? | ||
Holdings Types (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/Holdings:holdings_type_id) | UUID for a particular instance type | Provide a join between mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage and mod inventory-storage/holdings_type_id | |
Holdings Discovery Suppress (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings:discoverySuppress) | Records the fact that the record should not be displayed in a discovery system | This data element can be used to filter the report for Holding Discovery Suppress where True or False. Will also be used to find withdrawn items. | |
Holdings Statistical Codes ID (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings: statistical_code_ids) | UUID of a statistical Code | Provide a join between mod-inventory-storage/holdings storage/holdings: statistical_code_ids and mod-inventory-storage/statistical-codes:id | |
Call Number (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings: callNumber) | Provides the Call Number of an item. | Call number is an identifier assigned to an item, usually printed on a label attached to the item. May be needed for queries on specific subjects, classifications. | |
Call Number Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings:callNumberTypeID) | UUID of a call number type | Provide a joint between mode-inventory-storage/holdings storage/holdings: callNumberTypeID and mod-inventory-storage/call-number-type/callNumberTypes:id | |
Holdings Mode of issuance? Not in API as of 03/17/2020 | On instance record is how published, on holdings how received. | ||
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/Holdings_Types | |||
Holdings Types ID (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-types:id) | UUID of an Holdings Type | Provides join between mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage:holdings_type_id and mod-inventory-storage/holdings-types:id. | |
Holding Types Name (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-types:name) | Label for a particular Holdings type (Electronic, Monograph, Multi-Part monograph, Physical, Serial.) | Used to filter (if necessary). Connects with mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings/holdings_type_id | |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/call-number-types | |||
Call Number Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/call-number-type/callNumberTypes:id) | UUID for a Call Number Type | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/call-number-type and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage. callNumberTypes:id == mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:itemLevelCallNumberTypeId | |
Call Number Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/call-number-type/callNumberTypes:name) | Name of the Call Number type (e.g. LC or Dewy) | callNumberTypes:name == "LC", "Dewey", etc | |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/items-storage/items | |||
Item Holdings Records ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:holdingsRecordId) | ID linking an Item to a Holding record. | Link back to the Holdings record. Connects with mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdingsRecords:hrid | |
Item ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:id) | UUID of the Item | This element will be counted to determine the number of item. | |
Item HRID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:hrid) | UUID of the human readable ID, also called eye readable ID. | A system-assigned sequential ID which maps to the Item ID. | |
Item Chronology (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:chronology) | Item's Chronology designation (e.g. 2019, 1999, etc.) | May or may not need this. Adding it as information only for now. Chronology is the descriptive information for the dating scheme of a serial, usually identified by level, e.g., level 0 = year level 1 = month. This means that each issue of the serial has a month and a year on each issue (e.g. 1985:July-Dec.) | |
Item Date Created (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/circulation-notes:date) | Provides the date and time the item record is added or updated | Will be pulled from Json | |
Item Description of Pieces (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/circulation-notes:descriptionOfPieces) | |||
Item Number of Pieces (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:numberOfPieces) | Number of pieces an item has included. | Provides the number of Pieces for 1 instance. Used when an item is returned to ensure that all parts (e.g., 7 CDs in a set) are present | |
Item Status (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/status:name) | Name of the item state (e.g. Available, Checked out, In transit, Awaiting pickup, On order). Default value is set to: Available. | This data element can be used to filter the report to include or exclude specific status names. It will need to be pulled from Json | |
Item Status Date (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/status:date) | Date and time when the status was last changed | Date set when item state was changed by the Check out app.Will be pulled from Json. | |
Item Statistical Code (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/statisticalCodeIds) | Provides the Statistical Code for each Item | Allows to code for particular things institutions need, e.g., particular formats; particular projects etc. | |
Item Material Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/materialTypeID) | ID of the material type. Defines "what type of thing" the item is. | Provides a means to filter by material type. Ex: Book, DVD, Microform etc. Will be needed to provide the format/type of the order. (Book, ER, DVD etc.). Connects with mod-inventory-storage/material_types:id) | |
Table Name: mode-inventory-storage/ Material Types | |||
Material Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/material_types:id) | UUID associated with any particular material type | Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/items:materialTypeId and mod-inventory-storage/material_type:id . Connects with mod-inventory-storage/items:materialTypeId. It will be needed to filter by material type name. | |
Material Type Name (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/material_types:name) | Label for the material type (e.g., "book") | Provides a means to filter by material type. Ex: Book, DVD, Microform etc. Will be needed to provide the format/type of the order. (Book, ER, DVD etc.) | |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/locations | |||
Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:id) | UUID for the Location record | ||
Name (mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:name) | Name of the Location | ||
Code (mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:code) | Code to represent a Location | ||
Institution ID (mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:institutionId) | ID to retrieve the Institution that a Location belongs to | Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/location to mod-inventory-storage/locationunit. This allows us to pull names and codes of an Institution. locations:institutionId == mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/locinsts:id | |
Institution ID (mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:institutionId) | ID to retrieve the Campus that a Location belongs to | Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/location to mod-inventory-storage/locationunit. This allows us to pull names and codes of an Campus. locations:campusId == mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/loccamps:id | |
Library ID (mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:libraryId) | ID to retrieve the specific Library that a Location belongs to | Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/location to mod-inventory-storage/locationunit. This allows us to pull names and codes of an Library. locations:libraryId == mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/loclibs:id | |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/location-units | |||
Institution Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/locinsts:id) | ID for an institution | Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units and mod-inventory-storage/location/locations. This allows us to pull name and code of an institution. locinsts:id == mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:institutionId | |
Institution Location Name (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/locinsts:name) | Name of the institution | After joining based on Location Institution ID fields, include Institution Name in report. | |
Institution Location Code (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/locinsts:code) | Code to represent the institution | After joining based on Location Institution ID fields, include Institution Code in report. | |
Campus Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/loccamps:id) | ID for a campus | Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units and mod-inventory-storage/location/locations. This allows us to pull name and code of a campus. loccamps:id == mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:campusId | |
Campus Location Name (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/loccamps:name) | Name of the campus | After joining based on Location Campus ID fields, include Campus Name in report. | |
Campus Location Code (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/loccamps:code) | Code to represent the campus | After joining based on Location Campus ID fields, include Campus Code in report. | |
Library Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/loclibs:id) | ID for a library | Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units and mod-inventory-storage/location/locations. This allows us to pull name and code of a Library. Could be use to find "Rare Collections", depending on each institution set-up. At Cornell, most of the items in Rare Collections have "rare" in their location title. loclibs:id == mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:libraryId | |
Library Location Name (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/loclibs:name) | Name of the library | After joining based on Location Library ID fields, include Library Name in report. | |
Library Location Code (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/loclibs:code) | Code to represent the library | After joining based on Location Library ID fields, include Library Code in report. | |
Containers: Not implemented as of 01/04/2020 |