To extract MARC SRS records where one or more MARC21 fields are missing from those records. For those consortium on a single tenant, it is also necessary to include the name of the institution as one of the fields. This report can be run ad hoc or on a regular basis.
The model is based on REP-248 and UXPROD-2215.
In Aleph, this is done by going to a particular reporting table where all the MARC records can be found called FCL01.Z00R (there is a table for bibliographic records and a separate one for holdings records). We select all from that table where the Z00R_TEXT is NOT LIKE '035%' or insert the MARC 21 tab in the single quotes. In the example below, we want to know which records don't have an 035 field.
Folio Attribute (Module/Path:Object) | Folio Data Element Description | Parameters/Query |
MARC SRS ID (mod-source-record-storage/source-storage/records/{id} | UUID for an MARC SRS record | Display in report |
MARC SRS Title (mod-source-record-storage/parsedRecord/'245') | From parsed record in JSON, retrieves the MARC21 245 field | Display in report |
MARC SRS No 035 field (mods-source-record-storage/parsedRecord/'035') | From parsed record in JSON | Do not display Filter to retrieve all MARC SRS records that are missing, i.e. don't have, the 035 field in the parsed record. |
Location (mod-invnetory-storage/location/name) | The name of the shelf location | Display in report |
Library ID (mod-inventory-storage/location/libraryId) | UUID of the Library | Do not display |
Campus ID (mod-inventory-storage/location/campusId) | UUID of the campus | Display name (value) associated with Idin report |
Campus Name (mod-inventory-storage/location-units/campuses/name) | Name of Campus | Display in report |
Institution ID (mod-inventory-storage/location/institutionId) | UUID of the institution | Display name (value) associated with Idin report |
Institution Name (mod-inventory-storage/location-units/institutions/name) | Name of Institution | Display in report |