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Decisions and Action items

5 min



20 min

New serials app functionality

Owen Stephens

Serials Management in FOLIO update. Currently there is a lack of functionality for serials check-in and some other functionality. This new app will address this lack and is sponsored by GVBGBV.

The scope is a new serials application to create/edit: subscription based serial records, prediction patterns, set of predicted pieces based on prediction patterns, receiving pieces based on schedules pieces. These will be linked to an order line and possibly FOLIO inventory records. This will be designed to receive those pieces and this functionality will be in the Receiving App. Work is looking at the cross app relationships and intersections between Orders, Receiving, and Inventory. For Quesnalia, the scope will rely on existing functionality.

Current status is that all major development is complete. Bug fixing is in progress. TC is looking at accepting the module. UAT will being shortly, perhaps around 2/26 pending on bug fixes and development completion. The aim is to get approval for 2/26.


  • Can we see a demonstration? yes - see recording. When create a template for the Label, the structure isn’t intuitive and this will be worked on going forward.

  • This looks fabulous. To implement this, is there an automated way to do this? There’s no additional automation. But you can use the API’s to create the records and connections.

  • Can you put a pattern on a closed or open PO? Yes. Is there a way to be able to identify an item to be claimed? This is down the road for the moment because claiming belongs to Receiving. There has been some work.

  • Will the API’s be changed and how will this affect sorting and display of enumeration in Inventory and in Discovery through OAI-PMH? This is being looked at. The field Display Label field will be added to Inventory and will be integrated into the call number for discovery services. Dennis is the person to contact about this. The important piece is the interaction with Receiving. The chain of how to display serials is work that this group will look at in particular how to get the data to the places it needs to be.

  • The Serials data alignment working group is every other Friday at 9am EST, zoom. Anyone can join the group. As decisions are made, the fields will be populated or implemented in development.

  • It seems that all in the meeting agree that this is a great App. Can we vote now? Yes. We can do a green check. 9 vote yes and this works.

  • The TC doesn’t control the release deadlines. Could this come up in a Release Management Stakeholders meeting? If the situation isn’t changing modules, this can be used to argue for flexibility in getting approval.

  • The Release Mgt Stakeholders as a group decides in general about release dates. Owen will attend RMS on Monday. Charlotte has reached out to Oleksii.

Vote taken, 9 PC members approved this functionality (all present other than Owen)

15 min

Roadmap and Prioritization update

Jesse Koennecke

This group has been working at being able to surface roadmap views as long term as possible in addition to short term views. This work is being done with the work that PO’s, organizations, etc. are already doing. It wants to surface priorities and make sure that important ideas are lost.

The group is test driving a new prioritization process in Acquisitions SIG. This is done through the management implementers' page. All the tickets created from this list have a specific label that can be filtered for in JIRA. People can vote for specific issues. Votes doesn’t necessarily mean that functionality will be developed right away.

The PC has a wiki area for the Roadmap. The group is trying to keep this current and keep track of interesting topics related to the roadmap. If people know about ideas or smaller roadmap views like the one for bulk edit, please let this working group know. The 18-Month outlook has a grouping of functionality. There is also a view for New Apps. Jenn Colt has been using Jira to provide details on what PO’s are doing.

Next Steps:

  • Push recommendation to PC about mainstreaming process to keep dashboards up to date.


The expectation of the SIGs if they follow this prioritization process will need to be clarified. This is something that this working group is looking at to roll out to other SIGs and how to simplify this and roll it out.

15 min

NOT ADDRESSED: Review of Evaluation Process for New FOLIO Functionality after changes made

Kristin Martin

Kristin Martin will follow up on the changes via Slack
