Alexis Manheim Charlotte Whitt Jennifer Eustis Kristin Martin Gang Zhou Brooks Travis Paul Moeller Martina Tumulla Marie Widigson Uwe Reh Peter Murray Andreas Mace Nicole Trujillo Tod Olson Thomas Trutt Ian Walls Demian Katz Dung-Lan Chen Maura Byrne Christopher Spalding Jenn Colt Aaron Neslin kristin.olofsson
Note taker: Charlotte Whitt,
Jennifer Eustis, Martina Schildt, Owen Stephens
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes | Decisions and Actions |
5 min | Announcements | all | Release Management Stakeholders meeting update on Quesnalia and Ramsons: Two flower releases in 2024 (Quesnelia and Ramsons) Andreas Mace from National Library of Sweden has decided to go with FOLIO and VuFind. NLS will be self hosting, and will be funding development on e.g. improved Linked Data and Reading room functionality in collaboration with the community. Kristin announced … | |
45 min | FOLIO Discovery Survey Task Force: results and discussion | Link to slide deck Top issues: Damian pointed out that there are currently limitations on how functionality works in FOLIO; one example is sorting on Serials information. Improvement of FOLIO can make it easier for the Discovery vendors. Uwe Reh underlined that the development of new functionality needs to be enhancement of FOLIO, and at the same time also have the user facing information in mind, and have this integrated while doing the development. Methods of integration: Peter Murray explained that there is still a use case for use of edge APIs. Brooks and Tod both thanked the group for it’s valuable work here. Tod also explained how Edge APIs could pull a package of APIs which need to be called. Damian and Uwe: A rule of thumbs - use Okapi, the built-in API, and then use the Edge API when well defined. Uwe asked if there should be an Edge API which fits for most patron and data interaction. If the Edge APIs can not be improved, then it’s the FOLIO functionality to be improved. In chat: Thomas Trutt mentions that Cornell use a combination of edge and Okapi APIs in their Blacklight interface. Blacklight is used by Cornell and Stanford. What do we want the Edge APIs to be doing? Do we have a list for all the functionality we need FOLIO to be providing? This kind of list has already been collected by the Discovery working group. Uwe pointed out, that in the group the missing link was, how could all these input be brought back to the FOLIO Development Teams. Next step will be to add tickets to the Edge API Jira Key Project. Brooks asked: How can the PC help to translate these pain points to the FOLIO Development? Uwe mentioned that one approach could be to get rid of al special Edge APIs and only use the standard APIs. A different approach could be to not use the Okapi APIs but only Edge APIs - but who can do that decision. Kristin Martin acknowledged that the PC has not put that much attention on the APIs, but been more focusing on the FOLIO functionality. The evaluation of APIs as technical approaches is a more technical question, and this fall under the TC’s domain. Micro and macro approach outlined by Nicole Trujillo (insert text here). | Next steps: Will update the slide deck with more information about Black Light. Review the APIs - are they doing what they are supposed to do? Ask the individuel SIGs to evaluate APIs in their domain. This suggestion will be brought up at the SIG conveners meeting later this month. Figuring out how to better include the awareness of the FOLIO functionality in the Discovery solutions. Look at the pain points the Discovery Group has out lined. Follow up at an upcoming meeting. | |
5 min | Future topics | all |
✅ Action items