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Next Meetings:

Gap List working group meeting possible next topics:

  1. Fee/fine export - transfers (Tom)
  2. UXPROD-2035 Need to see check out count on item record (Tom/Marc C.)
  3. UXPROD-2188 - Multiple items on a request notice for a single patron (Magnus)
  4. UIU-1038 - Add Check out action to the User record (Molly)

Note taker: Leah Anderson

  • Jana is out sick.
  • For the same of time, we are not going to review topics for the next Gap List Working Group meeting.
  • No meeting on Monday, Feb 19; Presidents Day in the US
5-10MinQuick recap on the 3-Part-item-State-MeetingallOpen Discussion roundallBring your topic to the groupI have two topics to discuss - 1. fee vs. fine for lost & paid 2. Circ log entries when an item is paid and later returned (Erin Weller)Thomas Trutt

Follow-up meeting with the MM SIG on this topic scheduled for March 21.


  • One interesting idea to emerge was moving the item statuses to the circ rules. This could better support customizable item statuses and changing the currently functionality without a massive overhaul by developers.
  • He is working on screen mockups. 
  • Recent work in the Serials App and Receiving App has led to a need for different item statuses too. He will talk with other POs this coming week.
  • He wants to pull together a small working group, maybe as early as next week.
  • The project could move quickly or stall completely again.
  • Thomas is thinking of an interface
  • Drop item state down to two: in process and item statuses. 

    • In process would have a checklist of choices, for example

The RA SIG won't schedule another meeting on this topic until after the next joint MM meeting and the small working group begins meeting.

Open Discussion roundall

15MinFee/fine comments
  1. Additional information fields in feessfees/fines can not be parsed properly in other languages

2. additional Additional patron information is saved on the fee/fine after 'notify patron' is unchecked on fee/fine actions

  1. Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira

Which institutions/languages are affected?
possible workaround 

2. what is the expected behavior?
  • When the German words (or other language) for Staff and Patron are used, the information entered into the text box does not appear in patron notices because the English words Staff and Patron were not present.
  • There are Jira tickets on this but no movement to resolve it.
  • Are others using a translated FOLIO also have a need to fix this? It is a pressing issue for German libraries.
  • Sweden libraries: They use the English version of FOLIO. Magnus can ask the Royal Library of Sweden about the version they expect to use.
  • Julie and others are not aware of others asking about this. julie.bickle will document this issue in the Wiki.

2. Additional patron information is saved in the fee/fine after 'notify patron' is unchecked for some fee/fine actions but not others. Is this the expected behavior?


  • This is a bug but not a big priority since no notification is being sent to the patron anyway. 
  • It was agreed to give it a P4.

Erin Weller

1. fee vs. fine for lost & paid

2. Circ log entries when an item is paid and later returned (Erin Weller)

  1. fee vs. fine for lost & paid 
    1. Patron #1 has an overdue fine on a closed loan for an item that was returned late. Patron #2 currently has the same item checked out. When Patron #1 pays their fine,  Folio automatically closes the loan for Patron #2, ages the item to lost, and indicates the fine is fully paid for Patron #2.
    2. David Bottorff thinks this is a bug because overdue fines are treated separately. You cannot resolve a fine UNLESS the loan is closed. UChicago isn’t seeing this behavior. Payment by one user for one loan should NOT jump to another loan by a second user.
    3. Susan Kimball has seen the same behavior for overdue fines. This appears to happen only when the same item is currently checked out by a second person.
    4. Thomas Trutt wants screen shots from Erin and Susan showing the error. He will write it up as a bug. He suspects the current logic for this process is verifying the status of the item instead of the status of the loan.
    5. We will invite Stephanie to a future meeting to discuss this topic.
    6. julie.bickle asks Susan and Erin to test further and write a detailed progression of events and permutations to help pinpoint if it is a bug or a broader logic problem.

2. Confusing Circ Log entries when an overdue item is returned BUT the fee was already paid  

    1. julie.bickle wonders if Folio is trying to figure what to do since the lost item fee has been already paid. It may be trying to add actions to complete its processes.
    2. David Bottorff Credited and Refunded are two different things. He suspects this is orphaned functionality that wasn’t fully developed. Folio is trying to make a ‘trail’ because it doesn’t have the functionality it needs to do it correctly. This is his memory from years-ago discussions.
    3. Thomas Trutt Agrees with David that this was discussed years-ago.
    4. Erin Weller But we are not manually refunding anything. 
    5. Susan Kimball The Circ Log doesn't display the action of fees/fines. You have to view the fee/fine to see if it was canceled, etc.
    6. David Bottorff It seems this bug was introduced after our discussions. Now I see this in our test environment what Erin is seeing. This isn't proper functionality. This is a big bug.
    7. Cornelia Awenius Won't this fee/fine activity show up in a report for fee/fine to manually refund?
    8. Thomas Trutt Yes
    9. There is a setting for “Fees/fines shall not be refunded if the lost item is returned after #days”. But it appears to be applied to all actions (credits, etc) – not just refunds.
    10. Thomas Trutt This seems like a bug then. If it is on the lost item fine/fee policy, then it should only apply to lost item. If it is not, then we should submit it as a bug.
    11. We will discuss again in the future.

Meeting Notes