- Loan types in Locations
- Discovered the use of grouping locations in loan types
- Problem: if an item is moved from one location to another and change the loan type in this process the circ rule changes (loan periode, etc.)
- Solution: script/matrix - look up and compare the location and loan type and change it to the correct combination
- Proposal: add a field to location 'default loan type' with the possibilty to not select it and we would like to see a warning when a loan typ or location gets changed
- Does anyone need this too?
- no top priority but certainly useful
- Chicago: use loan type to drive circ rules - don't really use this kind of connection of locations and loan type not of great interest for UoC
- How can others make use of this script? - Is there a place to share this kind of scripts in FOLIO?
- Magda: is there a possiblity to use this logic/script in a report and contribute this to the community?
- could be possible
Brooks: I feel like the goal here is to PREVENT rather than fix, so the report solution doesn’t solve the actual problem.
- Brooks in Chat:
It wouldn’t need to be a field ON the location. It would be a related object (non-breaking API change)
Similar to how service points work for users. - Davd B. in Chat:
I worry about how this would interact with batch updating as well
- Brooks in Chat:
Then it would just be a matter of updating the UI to respect that when present.
- Group brings up other features in the back log: 3-part-item-status, Circ rule simulator, Workflow engine, Catalogouing templates, ....)
- Brooks in Chat:
I feel like the goal here is to PREVENT rather than fix, so the report solution doesn’t solve the actual problem.
This could mostly be implemented as UI-only once you added the companion settings object for locations.
It’s basically advanced form validation.
None of that prevents the errors from occurring in the first place
- Result/Next steps: Not a priority for the RA SIG // put it on the implementers request list
- field based Persmissions:
- Please look at the use cases and feel free to add more
- Next steps: putting this on our ageda in the next weeks
- WOLFCon Topics:
Julie's brainstorming for working sessions:
Workshop: How can printing letters look like in FOLIO?
FOLIO and Patron Communication - are there new trends that FOLIO should consider?
FOLIO and Ressource Access - are there new trends that FOLIO should consider?
- conclusion: submitting the above mentioned topics and use the time as a recap meeting for WOLFCon and RA topics