Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals/Info/notes | ||||||||||||
2min | Administrivia | PC-Update:
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30Min | Making service points inactive | (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee | Discuss
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Meeting Notes
- Making service points inactive
- Look at what SP are
- Deletion via UI Call
Q: Under what scenarios would you imagine deactivating a service point, and then reactivating it in the future?
- extremes: closed Building, Staffing issues,
Andy in Chat: We have one inactive service point right now which we might reactivate in the future. (space issues in the sp)
- Christine in Chat: When we close/retire a branch location. Or if temporarily close a branch library/service point due to pandemic protocols. Or God forbid, a disaster occurs and the library is no longer open (i.e., fire, flood, etc.)
- Thomas in Chat: suspension of services; for use contactless pickup
- Brooks in Chat: “Virtual” service points, as well.
- Discovery layer: turning off the Pick up location (permanently or temporarly)
- for staff to select it as a preferred pick up
- Scenarios: Permission for deactivating a sp but nothing else?
- protect the crud permission but not
Thomas: i kind of like the action menu idea better, but activate/deactivate instead of delete
- Assigned to an Active Location:
- Thomas, David, Christine, in Chat: Option 1
Thomas in Chat: could we do option one but add a dialog asking what service point the locations should be change to..??
- context: catalogouging work flows
- pickupLocation = yes?
- Renovation: What if staff are working in the space?
- How much time would you have to know that a sp would be deactivated
- Option1: becomes nicer including bulk edit of requests
- Option2: would allow to stop requests comming in
- For stopping request comming in by switching pickup location:
- result: Option 2 would be preferred
- Associated to a user as apreferred pickup location
- Option 3(proposed by Brooks): On this next one, I would allow without warning, and just have Requests and any patron-facing interfaces ignore the preference if the location is inactive
- Associates as a pickup location to a request
- Brooks in Chat: I think it has to be #2 Same as turning off pickupLocation=Yes
- What about closed request? let them stay
- Brooks in Chat: Again, it would be great if we could bulk update the requests via the UI at that point
- Associated to a FOLIO staff user record
- Option 2:
Andy Horbal in Chat: Have we talked about what, if anything, happens to the name of the service point when it is inactivated?
Brooks Travis in Chat: Warn but allow, and update the front-end to ignore those SPs in service point assignment/selection.
- Andy in Chat: Under our improvised solution, the service point appears as INACTIVE Service Point A on the User record, which actually works pretty well.
- Anything else?:
- Joanne: What happens to fee/fines logic ex.: what happens to a book if the location associated with a fee/fine owner is deactivated?
- Cheryl: Calendar is also associated with location - What happens with this connection?
Brooks in Chat: I would argue for updating the circulation back-ends to deny transactions from inactive service points
- Brooks in Chat: All future due dates are calculated based on the originating service point calendar - Renewals, recalls, etc.
Unable to Place Recalls via Instance Hold Endpoint (/circulation/requests/instances) When Item is Checked out with a Fixed Due Date Schedule -- CIRC-1449
- Please be aware of this and that it is a
Brooks: My biggest question to the group is how widespread do we think the use of fixed due date schedules is where the institution also allows patron-initiated recalls.
- Regarding: rolling loan periods with a fixed due date schedules
- How critical is it?
- Andrea: Would affect Duke but implementing the invisible Permissions is acceptable
- Others agree - Andy in Chat summarized it: it's never an IDEAL solution, but so far I think it has always turned out to be one that gets the job done.