Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals/Info | ||||||||
2min | Administrivia | Andrea Loigman |
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10min | Documentation | Marcia Borensztajn | Marcia will introduce herself and her planned work. | |||||||||
20min | Overdues | Emma Boettcher | Overdue loans report | Add overdue fines policy, other policies, and/or number ot type of requests to this report? If including number of requests, still need overdue recalls report? | ||||||||
10min | Notices | Anonymous request identifier for staff slips and notices | Review this new feature proposed by Siska at Chalmers:
Functional Area | Product Owner | Planned Release (if known) | Decision Reached | Reasoning | Link to supporting materials | Comments | ||||||||
e.g. loans, fees/fines | Name | e.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019 | Clearly stated decision |
| e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue | |||||||||
Requests | TBD | Anonymous request identifier for staff slips and notices
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Requests | Cate Boerema (Deactivated) | N/A |
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Loans | Emma Boettcher | Overdue loans report should include the following:
| Question about why some other fields were in report. Emma will create a survey & send to SIG. |
- Documentation - Marcia Borensztajn came to visit the SIG and introduce herself.
- Marcia shared a basic slide deck - will see if she can share.
- Short-term goals - onboarding. Meeting with community members. Understanding what content currently exists. Develop an understanding of how FOLIO works.
- Short-term goals - initial information plan
- Audiences
- High level task analysis
- Style conventions
- Tool selection
- Publication
- Process
- Long-term goals
- Providing FOLIO users with a comprehensive set of resources
- Standardized approach for content so that users have a consistent experience
- Standardized process for contributing, reviewing and publishing project documentation
- Infrastructure for localization
- Google Season of Docs
- FOLIO was accepted -
- Please share with networks - esp. if you have library-minded people who would be interested.
- Emma - overdue loan reports
- You can go to the users app and run an overdue items report (from action menu)
- Holly used this report in Bugfest and thinks that we should add the overdue loan policy name and lost item policy name to the report to make it easier to know / track what's being charged.
- Number of requests also useful? If we add that, does it make it redundant to the idea of an overdue recalled items?
- What about three columns - pages, holds, recalls? Would that be more useful? Group thought yes. (Pages maybe not - unlikely if something is on loan but it could theoretically happen.)
- So if that was added, could the other feature for overdue recall reports be closed then? Possibly - but it's clunky. Overdue recalls, you kind of want what you want, and not wanting to have to filter through a bunch of stuff. It's not impossible, but it's really clunky.
- Cheryl - is the name and the loan policy both needed? It feels a little like we have a lot of columns.
- Emma - we might need a survey or something to figure out what columns are actually needed. Querying people who will use the report.
- Question about overdue – which is not really a loan status in FOLIO (since loans are open or closed). Makes this report really important to identify.
- Cate - Notices / anonymous identifier.
- Feature is UXPROD-2435 - Anonymous request identifier for staff slips and notices.
- Chalmers is moving their hold shelves out from behind the circ desk. They want to have hold slips that don't have patron identifying information.
- We have lots of hold slip tokens already that could be potentially used but are not super ideal.
- Would other institutions have this challenge?
- Andrea - if this is a token, people would only use it if they wanted to. Public libraries use part of their last name plus a number.
- Cate - how do libraries do this now? Erin - lots of US academic libraries are looking at things like lockers, and the patrons get a code to the locker.
- David - a lot of us also might just use barcodes, that would be private enough.
- Cornelia - my institution uses patron barcode. So it might not be a problem.
- Patty - what about initials plus last four digits of telephone? The I3 system allows an alias to be generated for patron holds.
- Cate - maybe they could use custom fields, when there are tokens for those, they could generate something of their own.
- This seems to be a pretty unique issue to Chalmers. David - you'd want to make sure there was a token on the staff slip and the patron notice.
- Cate - another topic - request creation date.
- It is in the result list. It's a little hidden in the Record Last Updated component, in the Request Information accordion. Does it need to be more prominent?
- Andrea - would be nice to pull it out.
- Cate - would have to be duplicated - the component in use is standard.
- Erin - it seems pretty visible in the second pane - is that sufficient?
- Group - seems like a thing people can learn where it is, so no action needed.
- Thursday meeting - what would topics be for Thursday?
- Brooks could talk about how things have been going so far at MSU.