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Functional Area

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Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
RequestsQ2 2019
  • RA SIG doesn't actually want to filter pick list report by service point (I have noted this in 
    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JiraJIRA
    )  We could include this column if it's easy (primary only) but it's not a priority.
  • People generally filter pick lists by library (as does Chalmers) so it seems the best solution is to add a Library column to the csv
  • People also thought it would be useful to see the location code

There were questions about whether library would usually be part of the location name.  Some people said they would do that at their institutions while others hoped they wouldn't have to asking "why should I have to put that all in the name when the location is part of a hierarchy?"  Cate pointed out that, in FOLIO today, only the location name displays on Loans, Check out, Requests etc.  We don't display all the levels.  The ability to display all levels is in 

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JiraJIRA

LoansEmma Boettcher
  • Do not prevent the user from checking out or checking in items that are In process or On order, though we may want to display a warning

Conversation also turned to whether items with the status Checked out could be checked out, with the suggestion that Checked out items should be able to be checked out.

Will need to have follow-up discussion on whether to warn user about checking in and checking out items with particular statuses

LoansEmma Boettcher
  • For missing pieces, at minimum record have number of missing pieces (numeric field), description of missing pieces (free-text), and record operator and date (use date last updated). Later, make this repeatable.
  • For damaged, at minimum have a flag or set of values to choose between damaged or not damaged, and a free-text field to describe damage. Record operator and date (use date last updated). Later, make this repeatable. 
The minimum accounts for the granularity in current systems; later versions might expand on this to track not just that an item is damaged or has missing pieces, but when that damage was sustained.
Structuring the initial version of damaged items as not a flag but a controlled list would support a model similar to creating and selecting material types or loan types later on,