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When writing about your pain points and frustrations, you may be inspired by this list. 
Please note that BR1 etc should be removed when the list is finalized. /Marie

Before placing a request (BR)

  • BR1 Assuming using Title level requests:
    The patron should see the number of open requests on an instance. (This could help the patron determine if (s)he should bother placing the request or not.)
  • BR2 Assuming using Item level requests:
    The patron should see the number of open requests for each item. (This could help the patron determine if (s)he should bother placing the request or not.)
  • BR3 For instances that has no items, an alternative request method should be offered (e.g. a journal where there are no items)
  • BR4 A patron that is logged in should be able to determine if (s)he can request or borrow an item, if there are any limitations to his/her pick-up-locations etc. 

Placing requests (PR)

  • PR1 The patron should be able to select a location to pickup the item.
  • PR2 The patron should be able to choose a preferred pickup location that is shown by default.
  • PR3 Assuming Title level requests enabled in FOLIO:
    Determine if title or item level request should be used, based on type of material.
    Although the patron normally is offered "first available copy", for journals/multi-volume-instances where this makes sense, (s)he should instead be offered to choose a specific item
  • PR4 For journals/multi-volume-instances where this makes sense, the patron should be able to request multiple items from the same FOLIO instance
  • PR5 If placing a request is not successful, the patron should get an informative message on the screen about the reason why the request failed (e.g. the patron is blocked, the patron account has expired, the type of material is not possible to request, etc)

See and manage requests (MR)

  • MR1 The patron should be able to view chosen pick up location for their open request
  • MR2 The patron should be able to change pick up location for their open request
  • MR3 The patron should be able to see their place in line (queue number) for an open request
  • MR4 The patron should get an estimate of the waiting time for an unfilled request
  • MR5 When the request is awaiting pick up for the patron, this information should be possible to see at the patron account
  • MR6 The patron should be able to see the pickup location for their request that is awaiting pickup
  • MR7 The patron should be able to see the last day to pick up their request that is awaiting pickup
  • MR8 The patron should be able to cancel their request
  • MR9 The patron should be able to cancel multiple requests in one single action

See and manage delivery requests (DR)

  • DR1 The patron should be provided a way of determining which delivery methods are available for a given item/patron combination
  • DR2 The patron should be given an estimated delivery time/day
  • DR3 The patron should be able to cancel a delivery request

See and manage loans (L)

  • L1 The patron should be able to see their due date
  • L2 The patrons should be able to see the number of renewals left for a loan
  • L3 If an item in a patron's loan can't be renewed, this should be indicated before trying to renew (e.g., too many renewals, another patron has recalled it).
  • L4 The patron should understand why it was not possible to renew (e.g., too many renewals, another patron has recalled it). (Assuming it's not possible to see the information before trying.)
  • L5 The patron should be able to renew multiple loans in one single action

See and manage fees and fines (F)

  • F1 A patron should be able to see their outstanding fees and fines
  • F2 A patron should be able to see their history of fees and fines

See and manage personal information (P)

  • P1 A patron should be able to see if (s)he is blocked by the library and the reason for this
  • P2 A patron should be able to see what contact information the library has for him/her (so the patron can see if we hold out-of-date info about them.)
  • P3 A patron should be able to edit selected information, e.g. email address.
  • P4 A patron should see chosen information about patron group and other administrative information that may govern access to particular services.
  • P5 A patron should see their alias, if a library uses an alias (anonymized ID) for hold pickup shelf.
  • P6 A patron should be able to reset their PIN/password for login

See and understand information about items in the result list (I)

  • I1 Data from (any or all of) Enumeration/Chronology/Volume fields in FOLIO should be displayed to patrons 
  • I2 Items should be sorted by Enumeration/Chronology/Volume
  • I3 Notes about items (e.g. damaged) should be displayed to patrons
  • I4 Item loan type should be displayed to patrons
  • I5 Items should be sorted in a logic order (e.g. all available items on top, all items at a holding together).
  • I6 Items should be sortable by the patron

Other (O)
