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Compare our source data integration requirements (the outcome of the discussions on Jan 18 and Jan 25) with what is already in JIRA .

What is missing, what do we need new JIRA Tickets for ?

Here is the FOLIO Source Data and Integrations Spreadsheet .

See also the result of our older discussions: List of Integrations

JIRA issues on integrations have been labeled "external_sys_int".

  • Welcome; and are there new members ?

SysOps SIG F2F Meeting at June FOLIO Working MeetingDale

Working Meeting is from June 17-19 in Crystal City

Jesse (the PC co-chair) confirmed that the SysOps SIG will be definitely included on the schedule.

So far I have this information about scheduled meetings: - but it is still a work in progress.

Also, confer the  Product Council Meeting Notes 2019-03-28 for what has been discussed about the meeting planning.

Source Data Integrations and JIRA Tickets
 Hkaplanian, group
  • Jesse approved SysOps SIG's attendance. Not a developer meeting, the devs are too busy.
    • Concept of a hackathon was proposed, but without developers that won't happen.
    • The SysOps group could work together, exchange ideas on getting FOLIO up and running.
    • Is it becoming an early adopters’ meeting? Partly, also for PC and some SIGs. The core development team probably won’t go but could be available. Question of the value of the meeting if devs aren’t there. Could some of the key reps of the core team Zoom in? 
    • What are the key topics / questions to address that would be unique to a F2F meeting? 
    • We’d like to go over the topics on Anton’s spreadsheet, to address discrepancies between SysOps and developers’ approaches.
    • Could we instead (or in addition) schedule a separate SIG Zoom with the core team?
    • Anton has been very involved with the core team’s work. Wayne’s role as a core team member is orienting more toward ops now also. Anton is working to bridge the gap. The developers need input from ops specialists for everything to be successful. Ex of tighter integration with etcd impacting Okapi. FOLIO is easier to deal with than monolithic systems. Anton suggests using Rancher to build the multitenant staging system used by the developer community, which has the advantage of resembling what would deploy to production. It will be much easier to enhance and modify FOLIO with this architecture. So maybe SysOps could build out the list of requirements between now and June, and then pull in a few key core reps. What keeps us up at night as we look to stand up FOLIO in, say, 18 months? The meeting may not be necessary if this works.
    • The proposed meeting details are here.
    • Could have value as an implementers’ meeting. What will the FOLIO migration look like? We may change it to a “maybe attend”.
    • Possible paradox - Okapi as an API gateway needs to securely interact with the FOLIO back end, as well as Stripes, but the front-end components run in a browser anywhere in the world, outside the data center.  Concern of insecure communication between Okapi and other services.
    • We may want to discuss security all around, including Docker security. We should develop a list of common FOLIO security concerns / best practices. Do we have IT security experts?
    • Another possible topic: how to upgrade FOLIO (feels more like replacing a version than upgrading it). Upgrade workflows, dependency management, data stores.  
    • We should also have a list of who’s working on what - which approaches to deployment at different institutions etc. Improving the deployment documentation - there are lots of gaps. 
    • Tod started a Meeting Topic and Action Item Backlog on the SIG wiki, for us to capture these ideas. 
    • Wayne: administrative user bootstrapping - needs to close out the discussion. Jason provided good information on it.

Source Data Integrations and JIRA Tickets
 Hkaplanian, group

Compare our source data integration requirements (the outcome of the discussions on Jan 18 and Jan 25) with what is already in JIRA .

What is missing, what do we need new JIRA Tickets for ?

Here is the FOLIO Source Data and Integrations Spreadsheet .

See also the result of our older discussions: List of Integrations

JIRA issues on integrations have been labeled "external_sys_int".

Topics for future meetings
