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  • determine note taker: Florian

  FOLIO face-to-face meetingIngolf, all

As has been discussed since a while ago in the FOLIO Product Council, there are plans to hold a FOLIO face-to-face meeting in May/June or Juli 2019.

The exact date and location has not been finally determined.

I understood that the intended audience will be developers, POs and others. SIG Conveners have been asked by the PC to discuss with their SIG the values, goals and expected results of a face-to-face meeting for their SIG's work.

We are also asked to indicate if we feel that we need a f2f group meeting during the meeting mentioned above.

I think it will certainly be a good chance to learn more about each other's work, to do some knowledge transfer and also to have time with developers on issues like deployment, integrations and migration.

Ideas from Tod on what might be useful in a face-to-face meeting:

  • Knowledge exchange on Docker/K8s/Rancher
  • Walkthrough of deployment scripts and configurations
  • Detailed discussion of sample integrations, maybe including how to provision a custom module for an integration
  • How do we secure Okapi? What might a secure deployment look like in the cloud or on-prem?

Meeting Notes:

Time and place of the face-to-face meeting

The face-to-face is determined for May-July. But there is no exact date and location (Chicago?, Ipswitch?) yet. Jason is on vacation from 6-16th of June. Zeno cannot come to the USA in this time. If Ingolf can attend remains to be seen.

Desired outcomes / goals of the meeting

A face-to-face meeting is welcomed by the SIG. The last meeting at Wolfcon was very productive and established the vagrant-box approach. It could be a good opportunity to get in touch with developrs. Possibles topics are:

  • folio installation variants with rancher/kybernetes
  • discussing setup and configuration of modules with developers
  • data loading and data migration (should also be discussed in the data migration subgroup). Typical user stories and the migration chart can be described and discussed. Data loading is also a key aspect planned for May.
  • discussing integration-chart and interfaces/APIs to other systems with developers

A face-to-face meeting to these topics can make the exchange quicker than web-conferences. In severals cases the discussion with developers is crucial. There is a developer meeting in June in Ipswitch, but they are usually highly structured and have a strong system-architectural focus. It is not clear if someone from sysops sig or the sig as a whole can attend or attach to such a meeting.

Topics for next meeting

  • sharing Q4-2018 release experiences
  • (securing folio in networks stays as topic for 2/15/2019)

Action items
