Versions Compared


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Zoom Meeting Info

usually the second Wednesday of the month, 10am -11am EST / 16-17 CET / Time Zone Converter 

Meeting ID: 896 3760 4553
Passcode: FOLIO Meetings with Zoom

Attendees: Katharina Jung Lisa Lorenzo Alissa Hafele Laurence Mini Lucy Harrison Amanda Ros Emma Raub Christine Tobias Emily Semenoff Brandon Katzir Martina Tumulla Lisa Reeck


note takers for today: Martina Tumulla, Lisa Lorenzo

next meetings:  June 12th & July 10th (Katharina not available) summer break? or working meeting for WOLFcon? - votes for cancelling July 10th, but we will discuss in our next meeting, if we would have topics or a working meeting to prepare for WOLFcon

note takers for the next meeting: Christine Tobias, Laurence Mini


Katharina: Quesnelia GA delayed: May 20th

Welcome to Emily (Inventory), Alissa (data import/export) and Lisa (ERM comparisons together with Nadja)!

Open actions last meetingsAll

Amanda: MM SIG contact concerning a volunteer for settings >tenants → Amanda asked in metadata management and sys-ops channel

Brandon/Martina: to add terminology document contents to and potentially revisit first paragraph to align → Brandon did a PR in Github for a page underneath About FOLIO - this will be in the Q documentation release

Katharina: New writers for Serials, ERM >Local KB Admin + > eComparisons ERM Comparisons added to our representative's table. Onboarding process started.

Katharina: Contact with Julian concerning upgrade for documentation website - preview: → who can make few tests with search box and mobile devices? → Laurence and Katharina will test and contact Julian with feedback.

Laurence: RA SIG contact concerning a volunteer for settings > tenants → no response yet, may ask again in RA channel

Laurence: Update Link policy → Julian repaired it - no additional work for the group 

Orphaned and new sections in the wg-tableKatharinaERM > eUsage unassigned → Amanda will ask her colleagues
Doc wg settled under Support SIGKatharina


Due to change in participation in our working group over the years we cannot recall why

Probably it started with a Wiki page and then information and meeting minutes were collected there – documentation as a kind of support

Documentation of "install FOLIO" to FOLIO developers' pageKatharina

Comments? Dissenting votes?

Brandon: installation documentation quite not belong here – it is a different audience than the rest of our documentation. Users of FOLIO UI don’t need this section and developer documentation is spread

Christine (chat): I agree with Brandon. Let's look into moving that page.

Martina will talk to Ingolf to see if he knows a better place for these documentations

Archive for older documentation versionsAll

suggestion: 3 versions online, older versions in an archive. Comments? Dissenting votes?

Amanda: like 3 versions because this is what the FOLIO community actively supports / Questions: is there an overview of which library versions are used by libraries?

Martina: I don’t think this list exists or I am not aware of this list, but I assume that some are still on morning glory, maybe those 3 mentioned + one or two more. How would an archive look like on our documentation website?

Lucy (chat): I like that idea. Just find an "archival" space and make it clear that documentation is not in any way being updated

Katharina: current release list and older release list - for technical questions we will ask Julian

Lucy: Searching and finding information from older documentation and thinking that is current, can be a reason to archive and separating it and not include it in search functionality

Katharina: optical hint – maybe color

Martina: in previous meetings there was the idea of including the release badges

Katharina: ask Julian about archival options, search/index options, possible ways to hint, which release you are looking at

Feedback to 'formalization application'All

Jenn via slack: request for feedback on a terminology decision we have made in working group around 'application formalization'.

using the term application for the background grouping of modules

Slides from WOLFcon Basis for discussion

Martina: if application would be used for background grouping of modules than it needs to be in terminology document to make it more clear

Laurence: it is difficult to change names when it already is in use, people are used to call it that way (Apps)

Amanda: people will call it what they are used to call it, even if you change the name

Lisa: we don’t want to create confusion by changing the language in the documentation to something that is different from what people are used to calling it.

Christine: agree as well

Katharina: Do you use App or Application in your documentation part?

Laurence: yes – it is used in numerous places

Amanda: everyone is using Apps to refer to the ones in the bar across the top – Inventory App and so on - It is the language that we used

Christine: I refer to the List App, the Bulk edit App, Users app – using it throughout the documentation

Amanda: App is the abbreviated form of Application

Alissa (chat): Yes, used in the documentation and our users at Stanford refer to “apps” as well.

Lucy (chat): Yes, Apps and Applications being two different things would be very confusing

Martina: as a summary App and Application are too close to describe two different things. App is Abbreviation of Application

Amanda: maybe a wide distributed survey of how people are using terminology or if they have suggestion for terminology and where they are located (country/language)

Lucy: App and Application too close in name – we should give feedback that we have established how we are calling things in our documentation and it is problematic for us to change – right now no suggestions for what we can call a bundle of modules – someone else might have a good suggestion

Katharina will answer Jenn


Quesnelia due date

Quesnelia public release is planned for May 20

Quesnelia documentation deadline as ever 1 week before: May 13 is the aim

Ramsons due date

Ramsons public release is planned for Nov 18

Ramsons documentation deadline as ever 1 week before: Nov 11 is the aim
