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AuthorAdesh Singh
JIRA task


Define DB schema for storing tenants and create table

Define DB schema for storing user and affiliation associations and create table

Business RequirementsDefine DB schema for storing tenants and create table
Define DB schema for storing user and affiliation associations and create table
Architects ReviewPending
PO reviewPending


ColumnColumn Data TypeSenseIs mandatory?Is unique?Notes
idUUIDHow to identify a user and tenant tableYYUUID of user and tenant table and it is primary key
user_idUUIDHow to identify a user?YYUUID of the user
usernameString(text)How to identify a username?YNusername of the user
tenant_idString(text)What tenantId does the user associate with?YNUUID of the affiliation is associated with the user. - Foreign Key to tenant table
is_primaryBooleanis Tenant primary for the user?YNWhether this tenant is the primary tenant for the user.

Entity Relation Diagram
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