- Schema first approach (OpenAPI 3.0)
- Common schemas usage
- Jar artifacts (maven plugin + dependency) * Move common schemas to separate repo and use artifact dependency to them
- Maven plugin have to be implemented
- GitHub based (recursive repos)
- Not clear how to version the schemas
- Jar artifacts (maven plugin + dependency) * Move common schemas to separate repo and use artifact dependency to them
- Request validation * Find a way to add custom validation
- JSR 303 is enough? If not how to cover it via OpenAPI schema
- Response validation * Need to discuss
- JSON schema version * We can use the latest
- Common schemas usage
- Kafka message schemas * To discuss
- Base message
- DAO (work with jsonb?)
- Hibernate
- Spring Data * Use it
- Caching * To discuss
- CQL usage * Implemented
- when we need it?
- security?
- Configuration? * Spring config + env variable
- Logging
- format? * Defined
- async? * Postponed
- Monitoring * External JMX based monitoring
- Infrastructure
- Network
- Containers
- Application
- Availability
- Alerting
- Tracing *
- APM ???
- Tenant initialization * Implemented
- Splitting folio-spring-base?
- Stateless/Stateful modules
- Introduce bom