Drawio | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Developer: A person who develops new features or fixes for the project.
AQA: The Automated Quality Assurance engineer responsible for writing and managing test cases.
mod-a BranchesModule repository branches: The branches of the mod-a module repository (feature, development, staging, and master).
Karate Branches: The branches of the Karate test framework (feature, development, staging, and master).
Cypress Branches: The branches of the Cypress test framework (feature, development, staging, and master).
platform-complete Branches: The branches of the platform-complete repository (development, staging, and snapshot).
CI QG Environments: Continuous Integration Quality Gate environments for Karate and Cypress (development, staging/master).
The Developer pushes new feature code to the mod-a module feature branch and new tests to the Karate feature branch.
The AQA engineer pushes new feature tests to the Cypress feature branch.
The Developer notifies the AQA engineer about the feature merge.
Merging Feature to Development:
The mod-a module repository feature branch is merged into the mod-a module repository development branch.
Jenkins updates the install.json file in the platform-complete development environment.
The Karate feature branch and Cypress feature branch are merged into their respective development branches.
The platform-complete development branch triggers the CI Quality Gate process.
Karate and Cypress environments are deployed for the platform-complete development branch.
Both Karate and Cypress tests are run in parallel in the development environment.
Feedback from the test runs is sent back to the Developer.
Drawio | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cherry-pick and Merge to Staging:
Feature code from the mod-a module repository development branch is cherry-picked into the mod-a module repository staging branch.
Jenkins updates the install.json file in the platform-complete staging branch.
Feature tests from the Karate and Cypress development branches are cherry-picked into their respective staging branches.
The platform-complete staging branch triggers the CI Quality Gate process.
Karate and Cypress environments are deployed for the staging stage.
Both Karate and Cypress tests are run in parallel in the staging environment.
Feedback from the test runs is sent back to the Developer.
Drawio | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Final Merge to Master and Snapshot Creation:
The mod-a module repository staging branch is merged into the mod-a module repository master branch.
Jenkins updates the install.json file in the platform-complete snapshot environment.
Feature tests from the Karate staging branch and Cypress staging branch are merged into their respective master branches.
The platform-complete snapshot branch triggers the final CI Quality Gate process.
Karate and Cypress environments are deployed for the platform-complete snapshot branch.
Both Karate and Cypress tests are run in parallel in the platform-complete snapshot environment.
Feedback from the test runs is sent back to the Developer.
Drawio | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||