According to the requirements from ticket
Jira Legacy | ||||||
It consists of 4 workflows and has configurable parameters depending on each script's needs.
Workflow probabilities will be configured with additional script for inside workflow distribution (for example Check-in Checkout script - BranchSelectorRandomizerScript.gvy) or have .csv config files and configurable number of users and workflows run count.
It is able to run jobs with long duration or big file sizes using different configurable thread groups for each workflow.
Script location
- Avoid using Module controllers
- Sharing mode for CSV data set config in JMeter: Current thread or Current thread group. The reason is in other cases all thread groups will take 1 of the parameters but not use it and we will reach the end of the file with parameters too soon.
- Use prefixes according to the workflow naming for variables. Example duration for check-in/check-out - CICO_duration.
- For data preparation: make sure that for loan renewal, CICO, and for items bulk editing (the list can be increased) we need unique items and users' barcodes.
- Use HTTP Header Manager in the test plan config and avoid duplicates in the Thread Group and samplers.
- Remove unnecessary pre and post-processors (previously used for debugging).
- Parametrise URL using Sent Parameters With the Request option.
- Create parent sampler for transactions to avoid mess in the results.
- Change the Result Status Action Handler parameters to "Go to the next iteration of Current loop", "Break Current loop", or "Stop Thread" (not a Thread Group or all test). To avoid test stop on 1 Thread error.
- Remove suffix _all from JSON Extractor
- should be changed to something useful in
- Need to analyze the distribution for each of the workflows
- If we will need to test the periodical increase of the virtual users it is recommended to use JMeter - "Ultimate thread group". Adding additional duplicated thread groups will be not useful for us because we are not able to share data between different threads (See 2.) so the test will fail.