Table of Contents |
Parameter | Type | Description |
refresh_parameters | boolean | Service parameter for parameters refreshing |
agent | list<string> | Java agent required for module |
backend_module | list<string> | Name of the module to build |
folio_branch | list<string> | Name of module feature branch to build |
mvn_options | string | Mvn options for build (if needed) |
rancher_cluster_name | list<string> | Name of cluster where project environment hosted |
rancher_project_name | list<string> | Name of target environment where changes should be applied |
config_type | list<string> | Config for module deployment (CPU, memory, replica count, etc) |
enable_modules | boolean | True if the module should be registered in okapi, false if only deployed without registration |
tenant_id | string | Tenant ID where the module should be installed |
admin_username | string | Tenant admin user name |
admin_password | secure string | Tenant admin user password |
load_reference | boolean | True if reference data should be loaded during provisioning |
load_sample | boolean | True if sample data should be loaded during provisioning |
reinstall | boolean | True if force reinstall needed |
reindex_elastic_search | boolean | True if the elastic search reindex needed |
recreate_elastic_search_index | boolean | True if the elastic search index should be recreated |
(Optional) | boolean | Set true to Enable Read/Write split |
- Go to Jenkins
- Navigate to Rancher → Update → feature-backend-module-deploy
- Click Build with Parameters (if you didn't see this button, contact Kitfox team)
- Select parameters
- agent - Select an agent with the proper Java version required by the module
- backend_module - Select module to build and deploy
- folio_branch - Select the feature branch to build
- mvn_options - Type additional mvn options if needed
- rancher_cluster_name - Select the name of the cluster where your rancher environment is located
- rancher_project_name - Select the name of the target environment where the module should be deployed
- config_type - If needed select deployment config type
- enable_modules - Set to true if the module should be registered, to false if the module should be only deployed without registration in okapi
- tenant_id - Set tenant id where the module should be registered
- admin_username - Set tenant admin username
- admin_password - Set tenant admin password
- load_reference - Set to true if reference data needed
- load_sample - Set to true if sample data needed
- reinstall - Set to true if the module should be reinstalled (if the same version is already registered in okapi)
- reindex_elastic_search - Set to true if elastic search reindex needed
- recreate_elastic_search_index - Set to true if elastic search index should be recreated
- Click Build button
- Wait for completion
Drawio | ||||||||||||||||||||