Versions Compared


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Requirement: GIVEN I access a detail record WHEN I return to the Results List THEN focus should return to the result or in the area I was on AND not return to the top of the page so that I do not scroll. This logic should apply to whether the layout is a two-pane or three-pane.  Related JIRA also reported by Univ of Chicago Usability Testing Findings


  1. A results list up to 1000 results returns exact count 
  2. More than 1000 results returns an estimated count 
  3. It is possible to fetch the exact count by using "limit=0"
    1. BUT it can a performance killer due to lack of indexes and due to required joins on multi-table searches (instance + holding + item)
    2. Might be useful to fetch on user request (click a "get exact count" button)
  4. Is it possible to configure the # of results that return an exact count before estimated count is returned (hardcoded in the module; cannot been configured per installation or tenant) 
  5. Details: 
  6. See also the rounding issue:
    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JiraJIRA
