JIRA Status | Description | Assignee/Actions |
Draft | PO is defining the user story. Not ready for the team to review. | Assignee: PO (or BE Lead for back-end stories) - Requirements to be finalized and added to story/bug
- Story/bug to be updated according to the templates
Open | Ready for development team to groom. | Assignee: None - Story/bug to be reviewed and discussed on Backlog Grooming
- Requirements to be clarified
- Acceptance criteria to be understood
- Estimation to be added
Assignee: BE Lead (for UI stories) - Back-end story to be created to support UI. Unassign UI story as soon as BE story is added to backlog and linked to UI story.
In Progress | Development is in progress | Assignee: Developer - Requirements to be turned into working software
- Acceptance criteria to be met
- Tests to be added/updated to ensure 80% coverage
- Dev verification to be done
- Critical defects to be addressed
Blocked | Development is blocked | Assignee: Developer - Blocker to be linked in JIRA via "is blocked by" (if any)
- Comment to be added to clarify what the blocker is (in case there is no blocking story)
In Code Review | PR is done and Code Review is in progress | Assignee: Developer - PR to be reviewed by other developers
- Comments to be addressed
- At least 2 approves of a PR are required
- PR to be merged
In Review | PR is merged and updates are ready for review | Assignee: Developer Assignee: PO or Unassigned/Developer (for back-end stories) - Story/Bug to be checked on http://folio-snapshot-stable.aws.indexdata.com
- UI stories checked by PO
- BE stories checked by any available developer and should be assigned to a dev as soon as they are picked up for verification
- Back-end Story/Bug: the API Tests should be run from master branch or a branch with prepared PR to make sure no regression introduced and new tests meet Acceptance Criteria. If all is okay, the PR is approved and merged to master by Tester Assignee.
- Story to be closed if requirements are met and it conforms to the definition of done
- Story to be reassigned back to developer In Progress in case the requirements are not met
- Additional stories to be created in case additional requirements/updates are identified while review
Closed | Story is accepted by PO and closed | Assignee: PO or Developer (for back-end stories) - Updates to be demonstrated on System Demo