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Jira Legacy
serverSystem JiraJIRA

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JiraJIRA


The goal of investigation was to find a way to chain async operations avoiding the so-called "pyramid of doom" or "callback hell" caused by nesting the callbacks. Let's For example, if we consider a case in which we would like to adopt a specific pet, the flow would be something like the followingthat:

find pet by id → vacate shelter place (delete pet by id in the shelter) → take the pet home (save the pet among adopted)

We also want to make sure that in case something goes wrong on the stage of adoption our pet does not end up on the street, so we want to secure it's place back in the shelter. Therefore, it is important to execute this operation in a transaction.

Applying the traditional approach of nesting the callbacks the implementation of the mentioned case would look like that:


Even with excluded logging the code is hard to read and follow. Such code with growing complexity would result in an incomprehensive sequence of nested callbacks often called be the developers a 'pyramid of doom' or 'callback hell'. There are two approaches that can solve this issue - the usage of composed futures or rx-java.

Chained futures

Vertx futures support sequential composition allowing to chain async operations. More info on the subject can be found by the link. For example, the code above can be refactored as following:


In this way the code can be broken into separate methods, sequence of execution is easy to follow and it is easier to spot any problems. The sample project with this and other examples can be found on github - mod-sample-composable-future


RxJava allows to compose flows and sequences of asynchronous data. More information on how to use rx-java2 with vertx can be found by the link. Provided that new PostgresClient is created the refactored example might look something like the following:


The approach is similar - decomposition on separate methods in order to improve code readability. The sample module can be found on github - mod-sample-rx.


Both approaches allow to decompose the code and make it more readable. However, using rx-java would require significant changes in raml-module-builder. Therefore, using of composed futures might be the "go-to" solution for the time being while rx-java might be further investigated.
