Examples of tests written using following approach can be found here
Most of okapi back-end modules are covered with API tests using Vertx unit
Test setup:
Test setup:
Add runner:
Run application (deploy verticle):
During test setup a verticle should be deployed to vertx instance (custom verticle class or RestVerticle class in case of using raml module builder)
private static Vertx vertx;
private static int port;
public static void setUpClass(final TestContext context) throws Exception {
Async async = context.async();
vertx = Vertx.vertx();
port = NetworkUtils.nextFreePort();
//database setup goes here if necessary
TenantClient tenantClient = new TenantClient("localhost", port, "diku", "dummy-token");
DeploymentOptions restVerticleDeploymentOptions = new DeploymentOptions().setConfig(new JsonObject().put("http.port", port));
vertx.deployVerticle(RestVerticle.class.getName(), restVerticleDeploymentOptions, res -> {
try {
tenantClient.post(null, res2 -> {
} catch (Exception e) {
Add runner:
Run application (deploy verticle):
During test setup a verticle should be deployed to vertx instance (custom verticle class or RestVerticle class in case of using raml module builder)
private static Vertx vertx;
private static int port;
public static void setUpClass(final TestContext context) throws Exception {
Async async = context.async();
vertx = Vertx.vertx();
port = NetworkUtils.nextFreePort();
//database setup goes here if necessary
TenantClient tenantClient = new TenantClient("localhost", port, "diku", "dummy-token");
DeploymentOptions restVerticleDeploymentOptions = new DeploymentOptions().setConfig(new JsonObject().put("http.port", port));
vertx.deployVerticle(RestVerticle.class.getName(), restVerticleDeploymentOptions, res -> {
try {
tenantClient.post(null, res2 -> {
} catch (Exception e) {
Run database:
If test covers database interaction, database client should be configured.
Following code provides a possibility to use existing database for tests or run database in embedded mode (slower):
useExternalDatabase = System.getProperty(
switch (useExternalDatabase) {
case "environment":
System.out.println("Using environment settings");
case "external":
String postgresConfigPath = System.getProperty(
case "embedded":
String message = "No understood database choice made." +
"Please set org.folio.password.validator.test.database" +
"to 'external', 'environment' or 'embedded'";
throw new Exception(message);
- create file with configuration:
"host" : "localhost",
"port" : 5432,
"database" : "okapi_modules",
"username" : "folio_admin",
"password" : "folio_admin"
} - set folio.password.validator.test.database property to 'external';
- put path to config file in property org.folio.password.validator.test.config;
Running tests in IDE (intelliji idea example):
Mock HTTP calls:
WireMock framework allows to create and setup mock server:
Following /* Define wiremock test dependency */
WireMock framework allows to create and setup mock server:
Following code runs new mock server for every test on dynamic port.
public WireMockRule userMockServer = new WireMockRule(
.notifier(new ConsoleNotifier(true)));
WireMock.stubFor(WireMock.get("/users?query=id==" + ADMIN_ID)
Examples for <request matching>:
has advanced features for request matching (withHeader, withCookie, withQueryParam, withRequestBody) :
WireMock.post(WireMock.urlMatching("regexp here"))
.withRequestBody(WireMock.equalToJson("json here"))
WireMock.any(WireMock.urlMatching("regexp here"))
.withHeader("header", WireMock.equalTo("value"))
.withHeader("header2", WireMock.absent())
.withHeader("header3", WireMock.matching("regexp"))
.withQueryParam("param", WireMock.containing("substring))
Examples for <response definition> :
.withHeader("response-header", "value")
All <response definition> variants can be found in documentation Response Templating
Perform REST API testing:
Required dependencies:
/* Exactly that rest-assured library */
/* By default RestAssured uses jackson databinding under the hoods, if such functionality doesn't exist - you can use fasterxml.jackson.core */
Rest-Assured provides a fluent API to create readable tests for REST resources:
.param("limit", 20)
One of the ways to use RestAssured is following:
public class GenericHandlerAnswer<H, R> implements Answer<R> {
private H handlerResult;
private int argumentIndex;
private R returnResult;
public GenericHandlerAnswer(H handlerResult, int handlerArgumentIndex) {
this.handlerResult = handlerResult;
this.argumentIndex = handlerArgumentIndex;
public GenericHandlerAnswer(H handlerResult, int handlerArgumentIndex, R returnResult) {
this(handlerResult, handlerArgumentIndex);
this.returnResult = returnResult;
public R answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
Handler<H> handler = invocation.getArgument(argumentIndex);
return returnResult;
Example of test:
public class MockDummyService {
public DummyService dummyServiceMock;
public void setUp(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
public void test(TestContext testContext) {
AsyncResult<String> dummyCallResult = Future.succeededFuture("Result for handler");
int handlerParameterIndex = 1;
boolean methodReturnedValue = true;
GenericHandlerAnswer<AsyncResult<String>, Boolean> answer =
new GenericHandlerAnswer<>(dummyCallResult, handlerParameterIndex, methodReturnedValue);
.dummyAsyncCall(ArgumentMatchers.anyString(), ArgumentMatchers.any());
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> checkingHandler = testContext.asyncAssertSuccess(response -> {
Assert.assertThat(response, Matchers.is(dummyCallResult.result()));
boolean result = dummyServiceMock.dummyAsyncCall("some string", checkingHandler);