https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/5046633/User Management SIG meeting - 1st week of the month.ics?version=1&modificationDate=1657059427000&cacheVersion=1&api=v2
Maura Byrne Christine Tobias Amelia Sutton Erin Weller Kimie Kester Laurence Mini Uschi Klute Karen White
Amelia will share some mockups for UXPROD-4604.
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5 min | Note-taker | Christine Tobias | |
45 min | Mockups for UXPROD-4604 | Amelia | Highlights: Required fields are highlighted in red if left empty. Save and close button is grayed out if any required fields are empty. Recommended fields have (Recommended) next to field name. If you click in and then click out of a Recommended field, the field is highlighted in orange. If you attempt to save user record without filling out a Recommended field, a warning displays: Selections have not been made for all Recommended fields. Do you still want to save and close? ?? Future: Customization of fields in user record and use of templates?? Amelia is waiting to hear back from Volaris team to know if this is a viable option. UXPROD-4681: Create a permission to limit access to aspects of user data. (i.e., stalker permissions). Available in Ramsons release.