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Meeting Details




10:30am ET, 2:30pm UK, 3:30pm CET

LocationVideo Call in FOLIO Slack: #erm-developers


  • Benjamin Ahlborn

  • Ian Ibbotson (Use this one)
  • md331 (Deactivated)
  • Peter Böhm
  • Discussion items

    TimeItemNotesAction Items
    <5 minsIntroductions
    30 minsERM Sprint 59 Retrospective 
    • Detailed information on issues that made it easy to understand the task

    20 minsSprint 60 Engineering Design Notes

    5+ minsAOB

    Engineering Design Notes

    UXPROD-1548ERM-108Agreements App | Suppress Agreements app features available in eholdings app
    UXPROD-1548ERM-109Support the ability to create an Agreement from the eholdings app
    UXPROD-1548ERM-110Agreement Detail Record | View attached EBSCO KB e-Resource and access details from eholdings app
    UXPROD-583ERM-82Manage amendments for a license
    UXPROD-1559ERM-79Set supplementary information for a license
    UXPROD-1597ERM-132Manage annotations for license terms

    ERM-92Require UUIDs that are RFC 4122 compliant

    ERM-49Set up ERM permissions model
    UXPROD-1463ERM-64Show controlling license terms in agreements