Versions Compared


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Various JSON schemas for Courses can be found in Gitlab here: This information is most relevant if you are planning to import course data from another system, or if you are planning to use / write reports that use the underlying JSON information from the courses app.

Table of Contents

How courses are stored in underlying data, and how cross-listed courses are linked together

A course viewed in FOLIO actually consists of two pieces of data, a course, and a courselisting.


  • In the UI, what you think of as one course actually has two underlying objects - the course, and the courselisting. The course has an ID field that links it to the courselisting id.
  • If two are more courses are cross-listed, they share the same courselisting object
    • Example: Suppose you have three courses that are cross listed - History 201, PoliSci 210, and German 203. 
      • There are three course objects - a separate one each for History 201, PoliSci 210, and German 203.
      • There is one courselisting object that is shared between the three courses. That means that if you looked at the course object for each of the three courses, they would all have the same courseListingId.
  • Links to instructor information are stored on the courselisting object - that means that if courses are crosslisted with each other, they will all show the same instructors. There is no way for crosslisted courses to have a different instructor for each crosslisting. 
  • The link to a term is stored on the courselisting object - that means that if courses are crosslisted with each other, they will all have the same term.
  • Items on reserve (stored in reserve.json) link to the courseListingId - this means that all crosslisted courses share the same list of reserve items. There is no way for crosslisted courses to have different items on reserve for different crosslistings.
  • If you are migrating course data, you'd create the courselisting, and then the course (since the course needs the courselisting ID to be properly linked.)

How reserve item records are stored in underlying data, and how those records interact with Inventory

To place an item on reserve, a FOLIO user goes to a course and adds the item using either a barcode, or the Fast Add functionality. Fast Add does not require a barcode to be used, so items can be added without a barcode. However, if the item has to be removed and then readded, the library must go into Inventory and add a barcode to the item so that you can use the workflow to add an item with a barcode.
