24 Oct
- Andrea Loigman
- (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee
- Emma Boettcher
- Rameka Barnes
- Joanne Leary
- Mark Canney
- Andy Horbal
- Elizabeth Chenette
- William Weare
- Jana Freytag
- David Bottorff
- Kai Sprenger
- Brian Arrigo
- Donna Minor
- Cornelia Davis
- Schwill, Carsten
- Darcy Branchini
- Kimie Kester
- Cate Boerema (Deactivated)
- Magda Zacharska
- mey
- Kelly Drake
- Regina Frindt
- Allison Estell
Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals |
5min | Housekeeping | Andrea Loigman |
| |
10min | Items | Emma Boettcher | Missing items, withdrawn items | If an item is missing or withdrawn, can it still be checked out? |
15min | Call numbers | Effective call number block on request record | Review effective call number block on request record and decide: 1. Should the label be "Effective call number block" to be consistent with the item record or just call it "Call number" here? 2. Along those lines, for some reason, effective location was labeled "Shelving location" on the request record. Should we change that while we are in here? 3. Call number isn't present as a column in the request search results. Does it need to be? 4. If yes: --- Does it need to be sortable? Use case? --- Label? 5. Note: current thinking is that each page displaying the call number block will assemble the correct elements in the correct order (instead of storing the assembled block or creating a shared utility that puts the elements together in a certain way). Why? It sounds to me like institutions may eventually want to be able to configure how their call number blocks display (elements, order, separators). If this is a possibility, we should avoid investing development effort in driving consistency at this point. | |
10min | Notes | Emma Boettcher | Check in and check out notes | Decide: should check in and check out notes use the Notes feature, which allows users to reuse predefined notes? |
20min | Documentation | Discuss documentation needs | Review existing documentation and work on a structure to update it. |
Meeting Outcomes
Functional Area | Product Owner | Planned Release (if known) | Decision Reached | Comments |
Requests | Q4 |
SMEs also requested that we move the Effective location down one row and have it to the left of the Effective call number string | ||
Loans | Emma Boettcher | Q4 |
| |
Meetings in November: No meeting Thanksgiving Day, November 28; we will meet on Monday, November 25.
Reminder: Fill out User Record Card Sort. Due Friday 11/8
Send Cheryl test scenarios for calculating due times for 24-hour+ library hours
Link to WOLFcon in College Station (January 22-24): There is a call for participation: FOLIO Plenary suggestions & FOLIO meeting requests.
(1) Missing items, withdrawn items (Emma Boettcher)
Item missing and cannot be checked out; we need option to check this out;
Can we have a button on the modal, proceed with checkout? Yes.
Withdrawn? This doesn’t necessarily mean that it is suppressed.
Same option available? Make a decision pop-up here as well.
If we did check it out, would it show up in a report? An override report?
[LDP? Library data platform]
(2) Effective call number block on request record (Cate Boerema)
Create request
Call number block: prefix + effective call number + suffix + volume + enumeration + chronology + effective copy
Okay to call it effective call number block?
Let’s use the word string instead of block.
Shelving location: rename to effective location? Yes.
We do not have call number in the request search results. Do we need it here?
No, we don’t need to add it here.
For the export, the call number components will be in their own columns + call number sort code.
Heads-up: current thinking that effective call number spring will be assembled by pages that display it rather than storing it somewhere.
Request page: Can the shelving location and call number be located adjacent to one another?
(3) Check out and check in notes (Emma Boettcher)
Item record in inventory: ability to add notes and assign; are reusable notes of interest?
Notes need to stay within the app; we don’t need to see all types of notes in all apps.
This is kind of a nice to have. How would we use this?
(4) Discuss documentation needs (Erin Nettifee & Andrea Loigman)
Confluence: section labeled FOLIO app information tips & tricks;
Click on Check in to see template.
How do we want to move forward with this?
Next steps? Use Slack to communicate?
We might volunteer people on our staff; they will need a confluence account.