2. Review where the WG stands. Aaron observed that the group's conversation seems to have moved from identifying specific SC&A features to discussing SC&A workflows. He encouraged group members to continue adding features and workflows to the blue-sky desiderata list or the new "Workflows" category block on the SC&A Wiki page.
Communicating in the chat space, Julia Kim added an item about relationships among digitized items and digital collections to the Wiki list; she also pointed out that migration from other systems to FOLIO could be "messy" and represents a workflow challenge.
Aaron asked Sebastian and Peter about spinning up test instances of ArchivesSpace on a FOLIO server. Sebastian said that it might be more useful if a WG member who is currently using ASpace or another archival management package could demonstrate real workflows through Zoom's shared screen feature on a future WG call. Sarah offered to reach out to her colleague Noah Huffman about doing a demo of ASpace at Duke. (Note: Noah will be doing an ASpace demo on the April 2 call. Thanks to Sarah and Noah!) In the chat space, Julia recommended that we focus on "egregious examples" in this and future demos. The group agreed that "egregious" will be the watchword for the next month or so.