Action Plan | Notes |
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| Moved to BP |
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R1 Release Retro | |
Darcy Branchini To discuss who will be next pubsub maintainers on SoS meeting | |
Tetyana Afanasyeva to clarify what the definition of done for Karate tests is now that we don't integrate them with TestRail anymore | done |
UI team to think how to improve the speed of internal PR reviews Dmitriy Litvinenko | |
To document contracts after discusion | |
Darcy Branchini to discuss PO involvement/engagement throughout the development process on PO's meeting | |
Make sure all tickets are pointed before team started working on them (added to the sprint) | |
To do a root cause analisys for R1 bugs Dmitriy Litvinenko Alexander Kurash to create tasks for this activity | |
Q3 Release Retro | |
To start create and run performance tests Alexander Kurash | |
Develop a process of deploying and testing of scratch env. Alexander Kurash | done |
Be more conservative with estimates | done |
To clarify R2 scope Darcy Branchini | done |
Q2 Release Retro | |
POs to check In review tickets frequently | |
To discuss difference between Snapshot and other envs issues on Sos and Tech Leads meetings | |
POs to stay involved in prioritization process | |
To review features for Q4 on Grooming meetings to be better prepared for Q4 planning | |
Q1 Release Retro | |
It would be nice Zak (or someone else) to fix memory leaks | |
Tetyana Afanasyeva To discuss bug fix release communication issues with Release coordinator | done |
Tetyana Afanasyeva To discuss bug's life cycle with POs and with the team in order to be on the same page | done |
Tetyana Afanasyeva To setup a meeting with TLs and Darcy to discuss Q2 scope | done |
Alexander Kurash TL to create a release check list | not relevant |
During release cycle POs need to test features on some environment that is similar to BugFest (data is not deleted every day; large amount of data), but built from master branch regularly. Can be such an environment? | |
Team to do a demo for completed stories in the sprint | done |
Reduce committed scope for the sprint | done |
TLs to organized estimation of groomed stories within 2 days after a grooming | done |
Sprint 32-34 | |
Agreed not to point stories during grooming meeting. BE or FE team point groomed stories later separately. | done |
Anna Melnyk to send Darcy an example of video demo from Cate. | done |
In order to make standups shorter agreed: - anyone who is not interested in standup's demos could skip them. - back to this question again after onboarded people leave the team. | |
The team to provide a feedback about stories' description. | done |
Sprint 27-29 | |
BE devs to investigate and describe all technical details for BE stories before taking in work (not just a copy-past of initial story). | |
Sprint 24-26 | |
Agreed to change Tester Assignee for tickets which are waiting for review for more |
than 3 days. | |
Sprint 21-23 | |
To organize a separate meeting for spike discussion with PO, Folio Tech Lead and Vega team before estimating and taking a Spike to sprint. | |
Sprint 18-20 retro | |
no action items | |
Sprint 15-17 Retro | |
Tetyana Afanasyeva to organize a meeting with Core team in order to resolve blockers if any. | done |
PO to provide with expected result and use cases for spikes. | |
Khalilah Gambrell to discuss upcoming features with other POs in order to add UI stories in the backlog; pull in stripes-related work; pull in UI defects. | |
Sprint 11-14 Retro | |
Maxim Didenko and Kostyantyn Khodarev to consider what can be added to tech debt backlog | done: nothing to be added |
Sprint 9-10 Retro | |
Maxim Didenko to create Tech Debt story | done |
Tetyana Afanasyeva to discuss a separate environment for release candidate review on SoS meeting | done |
Devs to add video capture for bugs presentation to POs | |
Revisit DoD to ensure we are aligned. | done |
Best practices list
Best practice | Note |
Include risks into RMB upgrade estimations | |
Finish development on Wednesday evening and reserve Thursday and Friday for code reviews, comments fulfillment, etc | |
5 SP should be the maximum estimate for an issue in a Sprint. And if an issue appear to be big at grooming, try to spit it into smaller pieces |