Go to Inventory and search for one of the following barcodes by selecting the Item button and then selecting Barcode from the dropdown immediately below the Item button
barcode (10)
In the Item details record, scroll down to the Loan and availability accordion and verify that the Item status is Checked out. If the item is not Checked out, select a different barcode from the list above.
Go to Requests
From the Actions dropdown, select New
Enter the barcode you chose from step a. that has an item status of Checked out and hit Enter
Enter a Requester barcode (or use the Requester look-up) from the list above in the Requester box and hit Enter
From the Request type dropdown, select Recall
Select a Pickup service point from the dropdown menu
Select Save & close
Declared lost
In the Users app, search for one of the patrons listed above
Open the Loans accordion and select Open loans
Select the ellipses for one of the loans and then click Declared lost OR click on a row to open Loan details and the click Declare lost
In the Confirm item status: Declared lost modal, enter text into the Additional information field and select Confirm
Review the Item status
Check in item in Consortium tenant
Go to the Check in app
Place a barcode for an item that is checked out into the item barcode box
Select Enter
Check out item from data tenant
Change your Active affiliation to College
Go to the Check out app
Place a user barcode into the patron barcode box OR use the Patron look up link to search for a patron and enter their information
Select Enter
Place an item barcode from an item that is available (not requested) and located in the data tenant into the item barcode box. To find an appropriate item, look for holdings and item records in Inventory. Use the Held by filter and choose College.
Select Enter
Change your active affiliation back to Consortium
Go to the Check in app
Place a barcode for an item that is checked out into the item barcode box
Select Enter