1. Terminology
Term | Definition |
Access / Usage | |
Authority | The organisation (e.g. Library of Congress) responsible for an established particular form of a concept (e.g. subject or person) |
Bibliographic Metadata | Metadata describing a bibliographic resource such as title, author(s), publisher, date and place of publication, edition, standard numbers (identifiers?), subjects, format[1] |
Entitlement | The access an organisation is allowed to a resource |
External Instance | An instance whose authoritative representation is owned by an external bibliographic metadata knowledge base |
Holdings | All resources contained within or accessible via a given library |
Holdings metadata | |
Knowledge Base | An external source of (bibliographic) metadata |
Identifier (standard number?) | A alphanumeric string used as a unique identifier for a resource. Some identifier types have established validation rules (e.g. ISBN and ISSN)[1] |
Ingest / Import | The act of importing, or ingesting, and processing information from an external vendor[1] |
Instance | A material embodiment of a resource, e.g. a particular published form[2] |
Internal Instance | An instance whose authoritative representation is locally scoped to the organisation whose holdings/catalog contains one or more copies. May be derived from an External Instance. |
Inventory | |
Item | An item is an actual copy of an Instance[2] |
Loan | |
Metadata | |
Organisation | |
Package | |
Platform | |
Resource | |
Resource Management | |
Source Record | |
Subscription |
2. References
FOLIO Product Council, Glossary of Terms, Available at https://wiki.folio.org/display/PC/Glossary+of+Terms (accessed 2016-11-09)
Library of Congress, Overview of the BIBFRAME 2.0 model, Available at https://www.loc.gov/bibframe/docs/bibframe2-model.html (accessed 2016-11-09)
3. Assumptions