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  • implementers topics list like Acq SIG?
    • Page created: Data Import Implementers Topics
    • Add topics to it
    • Development questions/discussion take priority; these would be discussion topics when there are not dev topics .If so, and if A - M creates the page, would someone volunteer to maintain it? Yay Leeda!
    • Yes: A-M create page
    Jennifer: Would be helpful to have better handling of 856s in Holdings (which
    • could also
    apply to any MARC mappings into Holdings and Item fields)
    • Be able to differentiate by indicator, so that user could specify import the resource's 856 only, or both the resource and a related one (differentiate by indicator)
      • Being able to differentiate by indicator would also allow for assigning different relationship values for different 856s; right now, the user can only pick 1 relationship value for all 856s being mapped into Holdings or Item
    • Making sure multiple 856s are not concatenated
    • Only brings in the first 856
    • Would there be a way to adjust mapping syntax to say "bring in all, bring in first only, pay attention to indicators" A-M to talk with devs - how difficult? would it still be possible to validate in UI?Examples:
    • 856$u/* = import all 856s 
    • 856$u/1 = import first 856 only
    • question: what would 856$u trigger? all 856s or first only?
    • 856[1 ]$u = import only 856 with indicators 1[blank] (and if multiple 856s with the same indicators, would this trigger all to be imported or only the first one?)
    • 856[1 ]$u/1 = import only the first 856 with indicators 1[blank]be addressed at the weekly Import/Export Lab
  • Future topics:
    • Results of Feb 2022 survey 
    • See if we can make the 005 modifiable, so that the existing one can be copied into a 9xx field via a MARC modification rule so that we can keep the date of last OCLC edit to a record (Lloyd)
    • Updated import stats for Lotus

Zoom chat: 

From Taylor Smith to Everyone 01:00 PM

From Jenn Colt to Everyone 01:07 PM
When the UUIDs for the holdings types got changed. Hosting had to change it back to the old UUID

From Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone 01:17 PM
It would be great if both work because I find it useful to not update the instance and holdings if there is not an item match, too.
thank you!

From Jenn Colt to Everyone 01:17 PM
i don't want to redo my profiles 🙂

From Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone 01:17 PM
me either!

From Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone 01:35 PM
I am pretty sure it was not retroactive.

From Raegan Wiechert to Everyone 01:52 PM
People are talking

From Jenn Colt to Everyone 01:52 PM
i think you aren’t hearing us

From Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone 01:52 PM
I think you cannot hear us?

From Leeda Adkins to Everyone 01:52 PM
Can you hear us AM?

From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) to Everyone 01:53 PM
We can hear you
