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Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards:

Christie Thomas
PC update

2022-02-17 Product Council Meeting notes

PD discussed how to coordinate asynchronous working meetings so that they are more accessible to partners in Asia and Australia; scheduling is more US and Europe focused and we need to be more inclusive. PC will continue to explore solutions. The Discuss environment was broached, but that is not a very active environment. 

There was a proposal to change how the community manages meeting recordings. The person who has been doing that is retiring and it is a good time to figure out how to manage that in a way that is less manual and time-consuming. It was also suggested that recordings should only be archived for a specified amount of time. This is something that we should think about as the MM SIG and provide feedback on to the PC. MM SIG can discuss this at a future meeting to understand how the long archived recordings are used or needed. 

Release Notes/ChangesJennifer Eustis 

MM SIG Release Note & Other Highlights

New bug for Data Import - The bug duplicates some protected fields on update. MODDATAIMP-643 -

New bug for Inventory - Placement of item selection checkbox causes confusion. UIIN-1927

Advanced search

Slide deck

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

MARC Authority app has a modal for advanced search. 

Introduction to the conversation: Inventory Advanced Search

  • Reuse modal from MARC Authority App
  • Will leverage Elastic Search All fields search.
  • There will be a new Advanced Search button to the right of the Reset All button. 
  • Uses And / Or / Not
  • Can limit to fields the same as the Inventory drop down search options. It will be a combination of all of the options from Instance, Holdings, Items searches. 
  • One concern is the large number of search options in Inventory - Charlotte is requesting feedback about how tis might work. 
  • Will have user acceptance testing on the UI.
  • The work is in progress.
  • Feedback: Long drop downs would be helped by type-ahead.
  • Feedback: Ability to nest and group boolean searches in the UI would be useful to support complicated searches.
  • Feedback: Would be useful to be able to save searches and then use the UI to combine searches.
Inactive locations(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee 

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Call number browse (Local and Dewey)Magda Zacharska 
