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Course reserve specific data fields.


Report titleRepeatedParametersReal time Description / PurposeMVP

on demandUser, course name, course number, link to courseNotPulls a report that contains professor name that taught a particular course at any time.   and return date.  (and link to course)
Permanent Reserves
Permanent Reserves items + number of historical chargesYes


Pulls a report of each item on Permanent Reserve (or any specific course) and historical charges and date of last charge for each item for weeding purposes (is it possible to do this?).

Items, course, historical charges, time stamp, termLDPPulls a report of each item on Permanent Reserve (or any specific course) and historical charges and date of last charge for each item for weeding purposes (is it possible to do this?).
Reserve statistics by semester
course, item, instructor, semester, reserve format, reserve library, owning library, item barcode, title/author, call number, number of views, date range, number of circ transactions within a date range.Probably not?

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

List of e-items and print items on reserve, with processing status and reserve usage to date

Voyager: Bib_ID, MFHD_ID, ITEM_ID, Title, Author, Call Number, Item_enum, CHRON, Copy #, Item Barcode, Owning Library, Circ_transaction_id, Charge_date, loan_interval, loan_period. Ares: Ares Item ID, Course ID, Course Name, Course number, Instructor Name, Semester, Reserve Location, Processing Location, Course start date, Course end date, Item Title, Item start date, Item end date, ItemBarcode, Item processing status, Item processing status date, Document Type, Item Format, Article Title, Pagination, UserID, Publisher, Class enrollment, Item history ID, item history date, item history type. Print usage is obtained by exporting all selected Ares data to a Voyager Access database and then linking to Voyager tables. E-usage is recorded in Ares itself (in the Item History table) but exported to the Voyager Access database so it can be combined with print usage data and included on the reports for distribution to reserve desks and faculty.

This came from Cornell. 

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

"View items on reserve, their status and usage. At minimum I use ths report to capture usage at the end of the semester and distribute it to reserve desks and archive the report on a wiki. Unit libraries use the reports to evaluate how many items are used."
