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Kafka partitions in a multi-tenant Folio environment

Florian Gleixner wrote "The TC got a RFC that deals with a option to reduce the number of Kafka partitions in a multi-tenant Folio environment. The RFC is now in the public rewiew stage according to the TCs RFC process You will find the RFC here: We invite you to ask questions or discuss the RFC in the slack channel #public-review-rfc-kafka-partitions"

This will require some changes in the modules' treatment of Kafka messages, but this will save hosting costs for Kafka cloud hosting.

Do we have questions or comments ?

Are there security issues , because modules have access to the messages of all tenants of the tenant collection ?


Problems during an upgrade for modules that use Kafka. This must be solved by SysOps. Which modules picks up the pending Kafka messages, the new one or the old one ? There is no rule for this. SysOps must solve that by using environment variables. Could put the Flower Release name in the ENV variable. Kafka makes up the message name by the ENV var and the NAMESPACE. SysOps need to test and document this upgrade procedure.

Implementing both a minio client and an aws client in mod-bulk-operations and mod-data-export-worker quadruples docker image size.

[FOLS3CL-5] Make aws-sdk-java optional (maven scope: provided) - FOLIO Issue Tracker

Do we want/need minio and aws support in the same model ? For institutions that use minio, a thin client would be desirable.

[MODBULKOPS-64] S3_IS_AWS is non-functional - FOLIO Issue Tracker

Unlcear, why both clients have been implemented, because the two clients should be compatible to each other.

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