Versions Compared


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Duration - 4 hr 57 min

Records transferred  . - 4770043 (should be 8415303)

Records harvested - 20618 X 100 = 2 061 800.

Total Underlying SRS records: 1,212,039


At each point we have good response times and we can't see correlation between logs and this chart. Possible issues: 


Service CPU usage has reached ±200% while data transfer. And it's on 50-60% level during data harvesting. However during "unstable part" of test it has drop down to 20-25%.


  • While data transferring process is going on the background DB CPU usage has reached 70%-75%.
  • Data transferring process has failed in 10 minutes and transfer only 4770043 from 8M records.
  • Harvesting itself consumes 15% DB CPU.

Test 2

Records transferred . - 3815867 (should be 8415303)

Records harvested - 22305 X 100 = 2 230 500.

Underlying records number: 1212039

Final test (bugfest data set)
