12:05:40 From Paivi Rentz to Everyone: Hi, I'm relatively new. I'm Paivi Rentz from Texas State University. We're not on FOLIO yet but are planning to move to it. Nice to meet you all 12:05:59 From Carol Sterenberg to Everyone: Reacted to "Hi, I'm relatively n..." with ❤️ 12:06:11 From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone: Welcome Paivi!! 12:06:17 From Martina Schildt | VZG to Everyone: Reacted to "Hi, I'm relatively n..." with 👋 12:08:15 From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone: Reacted to "Hi, I'm relatively n..." with 👋 12:08:17 From Paivi Rentz to Everyone: Reacted to "Welcome Paivi!!" with ❤️ 12:09:20 From Alissa Hafele to Everyone: Reacted to "Hi, I'm relatively n..." with 👋 12:12:32 From Martina Schildt | VZG to Everyone: https://wiki.folio.org/display/Deutsche/%5BEnglish%5D+03+Claiming+levels+%28order+reminders%29+-+requirements+analysis 12:13:46 From Kristin Martin to Everyone: here is the prioritization presentation from last spring that covers the workflow. I also put this in the agenda: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/13nt-8deuTQ8Ama1zbLkrOj22fVFXXRVb/edit#slide=id.p6 12:23:30 From Lisa Smith, Mich State to Everyone: We would like to be able to claim one or more issues on the same POL. 12:23:40 From Joanna Cerro (she/her) to Everyone: So claiming serial issues would be done at the POL level? 12:24:19 From Joanna Cerro (she/her) to Everyone: We've been using the "expected pieces" field in the Receiving app for claiming, which has been a good workaround 12:24:37 From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone: Reacted to "We've been using the..." with 👍 12:25:03 From Lisa Smith, Mich State to Everyone: +1 Joanna - we have been using the receiving app to note claims as well 12:25:13 From Joanna Cerro (she/her) to Everyone: Reacted to "+1 Joanna - we have ..." with 👍 12:31:05 From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone: Julie, I see you. 12:31:41 From Lisa Smith, Mich State to Everyone: We may claim, or we may contact customer service saying the subscription never got started. 12:32:41 From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone: physical resources and electronic are handled usually by separate departments at the vendors 12:46:47 From Lisa Smith, Mich State to Everyone: +1 martina - frequency of publication makes a difference 12:48:12 From Julie Stauffer to Everyone: Claiming urgency can be somewhat subjective -- frequency could play a factor, type of material (e.g., loose-leaf update) as well, but it can also be that this particular journal routes to faculty. 12:51:04 From Kristin Martin to Everyone: Need to run a little early! 12:52:26 From Lisa Smith, Mich State to Everyone: isbn, but that could be tricky with sets 12:54:46 From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone: Thank you for pulling this together and sharing today, Martina! 12:55:04 From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone: Reacted to "Thank you for pullin..." with 👍 12:55:07 From Julie Stauffer to Everyone: Reacted to "Thank you for pullin..." with 👍 12:57:11 From Scott Perry (UChicago) to Everyone: There is an Edifact standard for claims, but I’ve never seen it used. 12:57:12 From Julie Stauffer to Everyone: I am running a meeting at the top of the hour so need to head out 12:57:40 From Lisa Smith, Mich State to Everyone: Reacted to "Thank you for pullin..." with 👍 12:58:31 From Joe Reimers (EBSCO) to Everyone: I've seen it deployed but don't have much detail 12:59:24 From Scott Perry (UChicago) to Everyone: I have a meeting and need to leave. 13:00:26 From Martina Schildt | VZG to Everyone: Sorry for taking up all the time! 13:00:43 From Martina Schildt | VZG to Everyone: Reacted to "Thank you for pullin..." with 😊