- Upgrade dependencies to align with Trillium OSTUIWRKFLOW-42
- Remove `stripes-acq-components` module declaration in .d.ts (TS)UIWRKFLOW-41
- Eslint as of 9.0.0 no longer supports .eslintrc files.UIWRKFLOW-43Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-43
- UI-Workflow needs to be updated to reflect newly added permisisons.UIWRKFLOW-40Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-40Rincy Mathew
- UI Workflow should be deployable on TAMU InfrastructureUIWRKFLOW-39Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-39Kevin Day
- Use Icon for icons other than the application icon.UIWRKFLOW-38
- Stripes is not building when running stripes-cli serve.UIWRKFLOW-37Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-37Kevin Day
- Switch code documentation from basic documentation to javadoc style.UIWRKFLOW-36
- The nodes in the Workflow Graph Visualization should visually indicate a selected stateUIWRKFLOW-35Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-35Rajdeep Hundal
- The nodes in the Workflow Graph Visualization should visually indicate a hover stateUIWRKFLOW-34Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-34Rajdeep Hundal
- The icons on the nodes in the Workflow Graph Visualization should have a border radiusUIWRKFLOW-33Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-33Rajdeep Hundal
- The Workflow Detail view should establish a context path in the URLUIWRKFLOW-31Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-31Kevin Day
- The Node Graph in the Workflow Detail view should be styledUIWRKFLOW-30Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-30Rincy Mathew
- UI Workflow should provide initial support for the display of the InputTask node in the Node Detail ViewUIWRKFLOW-29Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-29Kevin Day
- Clean up ui-workflow, fixing inconsistencies and adding unit tests.UIWRKFLOW-28Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-28Kevin Day
- The Detail Pane View should display passwords safely and properly.UIWRKFLOW-27
- The Detail Pane View should display Embedded types and Variables.UIWRKFLOW-26Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-26Kevin Day
- The Detail Pane View should display URIs (URLs, etc..).UIWRKFLOW-25
- The Detail Pane View should display code using more advanced rendering.UIWRKFLOW-24
- The Detail Pane View should display code that "looks all right" (including SQL and Markup).UIWRKFLOW-23Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-23Kevin Day
- [SPIKE] Recursive processing of Nodes when displaying in the Detail View pane (Subtasks/Subprocess/etc..).UIWRKFLOW-22
- Incorrect permissions name workflow.tsks.all.UIWRKFLOW-21Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-21Kevin Day
- Following stripes upgrades, the UI/UX is broken.UIWRKFLOW-20Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-20Kevin Day
- DropdownMenuProps ... is not assignable to type error following recent upgrades.UIWRKFLOW-19Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-19Kevin Day
- The action dropdown in the workflow detail view should include a delete workflow option.UIWRKFLOW-18Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-18Kevin Day
- Upon selecting a node from the node graph of the workflow detail view, a node detail pane should appear in the right most columnUIWRKFLOW-17Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-17Kevin Day
- The center most pane of the workflow detail view should display the node graph of the the workflowUIWRKFLOW-16Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-16Kevin Day
- The left-most pane of the worfklow detail view should display general workflow metadataUIWRKFLOW-15Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-15Kevin Day
- The workflow detail view should support multiple columnsUIWRKFLOW-14Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-14Kevin Day
- The workflow detail panel needs to be changed to a full screen display.UIWRKFLOW-13Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-13Kevin Day
- Expose UI-Workflow in the folio-dev-aggies environmentUIWRKFLOW-12Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-12Kevin Day
- DirectoryDelegate Missing - Needs to be Implemented.UIWRKFLOW-11
- Ability to get details of a RequestUIWRKFLOW-9
- ui-workflow should expose an action to allow for a workflow to be exported as a file download of a "fwz" (FOLIO Workflow Zip)UIWRKFLOW-8Kevin Day
- ui-workflow should expose an action to allow for a workflow to be imported by file upload of a "fwz" (FOLIO Workflow Zip)UIWRKFLOW-7Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-7Kevin Day
- Confirm that the introduction of HELM charts have fixed the install endpoint issue.UIWRKFLOW-6Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-6Rincy Mathew
- Setup Development Environment for Incoming DevelopersUIWRKFLOW-5Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-5Kevin Day
- SPIKE: Investigate the issue with the install endpoint to spring module core in the platform complete aggies branchUIWRKFLOW-4Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-4Kevin Day
- Create a Details Panel in the Workflow UIUIWRKFLOW-1Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-1Rincy Mathew
- Create a Results Panel in the UIUIWRKFLOW-3Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-3dbreckenridge
- Create a Search Panel in the UIUIWRKFLOW-2Resolved issue: UIWRKFLOW-2Kevin Day
41 of 41
Workflows Browsing and Discovery
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is blocked by
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Jeremy Huff
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Open TestRail: Runs
Created December 22, 2023 at 5:23 PM
Updated August 21, 2024 at 5:23 PM
Jeremy Huff
updated the LinkAugust 21, 2024 at 5:23 PMNone
This issue is blocked by UIWRKFLOW-30
Jeremy Huff
updated the LinkAugust 21, 2024 at 5:22 PMNone
This issue is blocked by UIWRKFLOW-31
Jeremy Huff
updated the LinkJuly 31, 2024 at 5:52 PMNone
This issue is blocked by UIWRKFLOW-18
Jeremy Huff
updated the LinkJuly 31, 2024 at 5:52 PMNone
This issue is blocked by UIWRKFLOW-17
Kevin Day
updated the LinkJuly 30, 2024 at 9:24 PMNone
This issue is blocked by UIWRKFLOW-16
Kevin Day
updated the LinkJuly 30, 2024 at 9:24 PMNone
This issue is blocked by UIWRKFLOW-15
Kevin Day
updated the LinkJuly 30, 2024 at 9:24 PMNone
This issue is blocked by UIWRKFLOW-14
Kevin Day
updated the LinkJuly 30, 2024 at 9:18 PMNone
This issue is blocked by UIWRKFLOW-13
Jeremy Huff
created the IssueDecember 22, 2023 at 5:23 PM
Current situation or problem:
As a Librarian, I want to be able to browse a result set of created workflows, filtering that results set using facets, and viewing the details of each workflow upon selection.
In scope
The implementation of a discovery UX which is consistent with the existing UX patterns already established within FOLIO.
Out of scope
The development of novel approaches to discovery.
Use case(s)
Proposed solution/stories
Links to additional info