- Sunflower 2025-R1 releaseUINV-590
- replace moment with day.jsUINV-589
- Allow for filtering invoices by negative Total AmountsUINV-588
- Open invoice pane when there is a single search result and close pane on new searchUINV-587
- Reuse FiscalYearFilter component that was move to stripes-acq-componentsUINV-586Resolved issue: UINV-586Joseph Reimers
- Invoices with alternate exchange rate source selectedUINV-585
- migrate react-intl to v7UINV-584Resolved issue: UINV-584Yury Saukou
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUINV-583Resolved issue: UINV-583Yury Saukou
- migrate to shared GA workflowsUINV-582Resolved issue: UINV-582Yury Saukou
- Wrong invoice totals when using an invoice currencyUINV-579
- Updating order status when approving or cancelling an invoice against a previous fiscal yearUINV-577Azizjon Nurov
- User with all invoice permissions can not see invoice versions in history paneUINV-576Resolved issue: UINV-576Dennis Bridges
- Full drop-down list of organization account numbers not manually selectable on invoice lines loaded via EDIUINV-575Resolved issue: UINV-575Oleksandr Hladchenko
- Detailed error message should appear when trying to save invoice line that has no Fiscal year (FY is null)UINV-580Resolved issue: UINV-580Dennis Bridges
- [RRT] Increase limits for csv invoice exportsUINV-572Azizjon Nurov
- Toast messages differ from expected when invoice with fund without current budget is duplicated / cancelledUINV-571Azizjon Nurov
- Display deleted invoice lines in previous versions of invoiceUINV-570
- Invoices - Add Vendor details AND Extended information accordion to invoice version historyUINV-569Resolved issue: UINV-569Joseph Reimers
- Create/Clone/Edit Invoice line - Add a Save & keep editing buttonUINV-568Resolved issue: UINV-568Joseph Reimers
- Create/Clone/Edit Invoice - Add a Save & keep editing buttonUINV-567Resolved issue: UINV-567Joseph Reimers
- Extension number not included with External account number in invoice exportUINV-565Resolved issue: UINV-565
- Missing external account extension in the external account number field after Qusenelia upgradeUINV-566Resolved issue: UINV-566Dennis Bridges
- ReleaseUINV-563Resolved issue: UINV-563
- Allow altering of rounding behavior for acquisitions appsUINV-560
- Review and cleanup Module Descriptor for ui-invoiceUINV-559Resolved issue: UINV-559Mikita Siadykh
- Provide comparable Invoice line to invoice navigation - hyperlink search behavior.UINV-558
- Improve error message when attempting to save an invoice line when no budget for the fiscal year existsUINV-557Resolved issue: UINV-557Joseph Reimers
- Add search index for and export Folio Invoice NumberUINV-556Resolved issue: UINV-556Dennis Bridges
- Display '~' prefix for invoices total count if it greater than 50kUINV-554Resolved issue: UINV-554
- Display selected version in Invoice line viewUINV-553Resolved issue: UINV-553Dennis Bridges
- Duplicate invoiceUINV-552Resolved issue: UINV-552Dennis Bridges
- Error when searching for a po lineUINV-550Resolved issue: UINV-550Mikita Siadykh
- "Set exchange rate" filed cannot be negative in the invoiceUINV-549
- add the ability to filter invoices by multiple fundsUINV-548Resolved issue: UINV-548Dennis Bridges
- React v19: refactor away from default props for functional componentsUINV-547
- Align the "finance.funds" interface version (3.0)UINV-545Resolved issue: UINV-545Yury Saukou
- Add additional invoice filters to support reporting requirementsUINV-543Resolved issue: UINV-543Dennis Bridges
- New permission: Settings (Invoice): Can view onlyUINV-542Resolved issue: UINV-542
- Add indexes to improve the performance of getting composite orders by poNumberUINV-546Resolved issue: UINV-546Serhii_Nosko
- ui-invoice: module releaseUINV-541Resolved issue: UINV-541Mikita Siadykh
- UX consistency: Use Save & close button label stripes-component translation key - all UI modulesUINV-540Resolved issue: UINV-540Uladzislau Kutarkin
- New invoice creation workflow - POL currency overwritten by Vendor currencyUINV-539Resolved issue: UINV-539Dennis Bridges
- Use Vendor's most recent currency as default currency for creating InvoiceUINV-537Resolved issue: UINV-537Dennis Bridges
- Add Placeholder indicator to show most recently closed Invoice lineUINV-536
- Invoice line Subscription fields are not populated correctly on Invoice line paneUINV-534Resolved issue: UINV-534Joseph Reimers
- User can leave "Account number" field empty in invoice line when related vendor has only one account numberUINV-533Resolved issue: UINV-533Joseph Reimers
- Add currency to invoice based on "source" POUINV-530Resolved issue: UINV-530Dennis Bridges
- Bump up okapi interface for `pieces` (3.0)UINV-529Resolved issue: UINV-529Joseph Reimers
- Navigate between invoice linesUINV-528
- Invoice - UX Consistency: HTML Page Title display when third pane (detail record) displaysUINV-525Resolved issue: UINV-525Dennis Bridges
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